Truth 4 (Shi Qingxuan)

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The sound of the text notification is what wakes Shi Qingxuan from their nap.  At first they are confused about what is going on.  Their brain finally registers their surroundings though when they take in the arms around their waist and upper back respectively.  Looking up from where they have their face on a chest, they see the face of their friend.  His eyes closed and his face more relaxed than they've ever seen him.  This causes them to smile a bit.  He Xuan always looks like he carries the weight of the world on his shoulders.  Considering what they discussed though, it probably isn't that far fetched to say he does.  So when they get to see that exhausted frown off of his face it makes them happy knowing that their friend is getting some rest to ease his troubles.

With that in mind, Shi Qingxuan gently extracts themselves from their friend's hold to get the phone that they temporarily own.  They are caught off guard though when He Xuan's eyes automatically open at this movement.  With a worried frown they ask, "Did I wake you?" He Xuan huffs before replying, "I was just resting my eyes, so no you didn't wake me up." With a relieved smile Shi Qingxuan goes back to the task at hand.

Unknown Number:

Truth: Ever thought about giving/receiving oral pleasure?  If not, any particular reason?  And how physically flexible are you?

Seeing this being asked of them, gives Shi Qingxuan a pause.  They then show He Xuan the text while inquiring, "Didn't they say something about them not asking more than one question?" When He Xuan is finished reading, he goes to his own phone to check back on the rules.  Reading it over, he tells them, "The rules don't say anything about our 'host' not being able to ask more than one question per truth." This causes Shi Qingxuan to whine in dismay.  They then exclaim, "I despise loopholes!" He Xuan only shrugs, commenting, "That's why you always need to read the fine print." He puts his phone down before adding, "Still doesn't change the fact you still need to answer the questions if we want to get out of here." Shi Qingxuan whines, "I know, I know." Before they become silent in thought.

After a while, they say, "I have thought about doing oral pleasure, but I'm kind of weary of receiving it." At He Xuan's questioning hum, their face turns red with an embarrassed look.  They twiddle with their fingers as they utter, "Well, you remember what parts I'm born with, right?" He Xuan levels them an unimpressed look, "We grew up together, of course I remember." It was unavoidable finding out what gender the other was assigned at birth.  Due to the both of them having water fights during the summer and other such activities children their age did.

Shi Qingxuan nods, "Right, point taken." Before they finally push past their embarrassment and explain, "Well...every time I think about receiving oral pleasure, I always have that worry that it won't turn out as great as people say it is.  Like, if I'm in a different headspace than what my partner expects.  I keep thinking about what if they make comments or pay attention to the parts I don't want them to pay attention to at the time.  Heck even if they call me the wrong gender my headspace is at is a big turn off.  Does that make any sense or am I just rambling?" The last sentence is a question they ask their companion to break the silence coming from him.  To calm them down he summarizes, "You want to be comfortable when you do it, but you're afraid that your partner won't make you comfortable so it makes you not want to attempt oral pleasure period." With a broad smile, Shi Qingxuan cheers, "Yes, that's exactly what I mean.  I can always count on your smartness He-Xiong." He Xuan just rolls his eyes at this.

He then comments, "It's fine if you don't want to do oral pleasure.  Not everyone likes that kind of stuff." Curious, Shi Qingxuan asks, "Do you like that?" After looking at them to see if they are being serious, he bluntly says, "It's fine I guess, but it's not a need in my sex life." Shi Qingxuan lets out an understanding hum at this. Before they can relax, He Xuan comments, "Don't you have one more question to ask?" Causing Shi Qingxuan to think back.  Only to startle a bit when they realize that He Xuan is right.

So they answer, "Your right, for the last question I'm pretty flexible.  I can even do the front splits without hurting." At He Xuan's skeptical look they cry out, "It's true, I took dance for a few years and got flexible because of it.  Here, I'll prove it by showing you right now." And without further ado, they move to position.  Once they are in the position they've practiced several times before, pelvis touching the ground and feet pointed, they throw a smug look at their friend, "Ha, see I told you." Only for the look to change into one of confusion as they see He Xuan's face.

He has a heated look in his eyes as he takes in Shi Qingxuan's appearance.  The shirt that Qingxuan still has on has ridden up to expose the entirety of their legs and a bit of their underwear.  He Xuan tries not to stare but it's practically impossible.  The tensing/flexing muscles of that unmarked skin on display makes that heated part of him want to push Shi Qingxuan on their back and imprint marks on that skin.  But he can't, he won't take advantage of Shi Qingxuan like that.

So he looks away from his companion to one of the walls, gritting out, "Okay, I believe you, you can stop." Still a bit confused at this reaction Shi Qingxuan carefully moves out of the split and sits with their legs crossed.  They want to ask if he is okay, but they end up not doing so.  Mainly because it's a stupid question to ask when someone is clearly not doing alright.  So the both of them sit in companionable silence.

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