Dare 3 (He Xuan)

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By the time He Xuan's got his wits again, the atmosphere had gotten a little less heavy.  There is still some sort of spark in the air, but it is not as oppressive as before.  Looking over at Shi Qingxuan, he sees that the other is nodding off.  He has no idea what time it is or how long they've been up.  Due to the events that have happened since this game started, Shi Qingxuan must be very tired of the emotional rollercoaster they are going through.  That much figured out, He Xuan says, "You should sleep, I'll wake you up if another text comes." But Shi Qingxuan shakes their head.  They tell him, "I wanna be vigilant." Knowing how stubborn they can be He Xuan doesn't argue.

Speaking of the devil though, a text sounds on He Xuan's phone.  Without much thought he opens and checks the text.  Seeing it though, he has to double check that it really does say what it says.  When they see this reaction they ask, "What does it say?" He Xuan just hands them the phone so they can read it over.

Unknown Number:

Dare: Massage your partner's legs (there's lotion in the chest if you need it).

Raising an eyebrow, they comment, "Huh, that's pretty tame." He Xuan replies, "You took the words right out of my mouth." Before moving to go to the mentioned chest.  There is no lock so the chest is easy to open.  When he opens the thing though, he pauses at what he sees.  Not only is there the aforementioned lotion but there are also leather handcuffs, a blindfold, a plastic bag that looks like it's full of make-up, make-up wipes, and a clothing package that shows only the front of a white button up shirt.  Feeling a sense of foreboding at what these items mean, he quickly grabs the lotion and shuts the chest.

Turning back around he sees Shi Qingxuan lying down with their arms at their sides.  He sits right next to them with the lotion in hand, trying to figure out how he should go about his task.  While doing so Shi Qingxuan asks, "Anything interesting in that chest?" He deadpans, "Interesting is definitely a word to be used." This causes them to chuckle, "That bad?" He shakes his head, "It's just a lot." He then taps on their knee, "I'm going to need you to spread your legs a bit.  It's the best way to do this, okay?" They bite their lower lip a bit before nodding and shifting their legs open enough for He Xuan to sit comfortably between.

Nodding in thanks, He Xuan moves to take his place.  Once settled, he opens the lotion and squeezes a palm-full of the contents before rubbing his hands together to warm them up.  He's sure Shi Qingxuan will appreciate not having something cold pressed on their skin.  As he does this Shi Qingxuan inquires, "Have you done a massage before?" He shrugs, "Not a proper massage, but F... Fen showed me a bit of what she was learning while she was taking her masseuse classes.  So I remember a thing or two." Hearing that stutter, Shi Qingxuan pats him on the arm for comfort.  It's been years but the reminder of his sister's passing will never not hurt.

Sighing, he finally feels ready and starts by placing his hands on Shi Qingxuan's left foot.  He moves his thumbs in an up and inward motion on the arch of their foot.  Putting gentle pressure in his movements.  He can hear Shi Qingxuan let out little hisses of breath here and there but he knows it's from the relief of pressure than pain.  When he's done with the foot he moves up to massage their left calve, this time getting a sigh of contentment.  At their thigh, they twitch only a bit before settling down again.

Once their left leg is done, He Xuan gets up from his bent over position to get more lotion for the other leg.  As he does so, Shi Qingxuan murmurs, "I might fall sleep so please don't get offended." It was said so quietly that if he wasn't close he wouldn't have heard them.  However, he did and only tells them, "You need to sleep, so go ahead." Before beginning the same treatment on the other leg.  Making sure to watch out for the anklet there.  As he is working on the lower part of their calve, he hears Shi Qingxuan ask, "Can you hold me while I'm asleep?" This causes He Xuan to pause in his movements.  Getting a whine in protest of the pause, he resumes as he thinks about what Shi Qingxuan has asked.

It's probably a bad idea to hold the object of his affections after kissing on their neck in the previous dare.  At the same time though, a part of him wants to indulge and give Shi Qingxuan whatever they want.  Plus there's nothing wrong with just holding them.  It's a way of bringing comfort to them as they sleep.  So with that in mind, he tells them, "Sure, I'll hold you." Shi Qingxuan lets out a pleased hum.  Probably too tired to form words at the moment.  With that he continues his ministrations without any further interruption.

When he's finished with the massage, he looks up to find Shi Qingxuan fast asleep.  Letting out a huff of laughter, He Xuan carefully moves from his spot and places the lotion right next to the chest.  Not wanting to risk opening it and making unnecessary noise when Shi Qingxuan is having much needed sleep.  Once the bottle is put down, he heads back over to Shi Qingxuan.  He gently moves Shi Qingxuan's legs to press together again, before laying down and scooping Shi Qingxuan into his arms.  He pauses when he hears Shi Qingxuan let out a whimper, but relaxes when they don't wake up.  Instead they just nuzzle their head into his chest before smacking their lips together and settles down.

Letting out a fond sigh, he gently uses one arm to push some of their hair out of their face and place it back around their person.  As he lays there, he makes sure Shi Qingxuan is still asleep when he moves his face to glare at the camera on the ceiling.  He whisper shouts, "I don't know what your playing at Crimson Rain, if that's really you watching or one of your lackeys, but if you make Qingxuan uncomfortable in any way possible then I swear I will find some way to make your life a living hell." Before looking back at Shi Qingxuan.  Seeing the other's peaceful look calming him a bit before he rests his eyes.

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