Für Freen

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It was her 23ed birthday, and the mood should have been festive. But as she looked at the cake in front of her and her friends were eagerly waiting patiently for her to blow out the candles, she couldn't muster up the will to smile. She had feeling lost for days, and today she had made a decision that could change everything. As she blew out the candles on her cake, she felt the weight of her secret pressing down on her. She had been keeping it to herself the moment her mind decided to develop such thought, but she couldn't carry the burden any longer. As her friends cheered and filmed the seen, they noticed a change on her behaviour.

But they brush it off, as the time wasn't right to ask questions that shouldn't been asked. As they stood waiting for her to turn around and share her wish in hoping that it would be something that they could grant. It took her seconds to turn around and collect her thoughts. And when she did, her eyes were full with disappointment and fear of rejection and opposition. On the other hand, her friends looked at her cheerfully and joy, they wanted to know what does she truly wants, what does the genius girl actually wanted to achieve in her life, and what she truly crave for?

-As her eyes met with those who were standing behind her, she took a deep breath and gathered her courage. "Before I tell you my wish..I would like you all to grant me something..as a gift of course" They all hummed in response, causing her to gulp and lower her head, while her heart skipped a beat. "I would like to drop out from the university...and my decision is final..please do not oppose my gift" They all gasped and looked at each other, while Freen turned and looked at the cake. Ms. Freeman didn't like what she heard, but she remained silent for now. Of course she will never let Freen take this unprecedented step, but since it is her birthday, she doesn't want to ruin her day.

-After speaking her heart out, she turned and glanced at the cake. The sound of the sea waves captured her heart. It was a symphony of nature, a mesmerizing melody that soothes her soul. It is the rhythm of the sea, a constant ebb and flow that resonates with a primal and primal force. As the sun hid behind the silver cottons, the first whispered of the sea's song could be heard. Her heart fluttered with each wave, as if she was listening to a gentle lullaby. She kept thinking, debating and questioning, was her decision a path to carve? As she stood still, a voice within herself started to echo across her mind. "It wasn't my intention to drop..but I lost my will to continue" she told herself "and I don't want anyone to ask me about my family...I know it's hard..but this thought kept popping in my mind...and quite honestly...there is nothing else I could do right now..unless my wish has been..granted"

Her friends were stealing glances at each other. The gasps that escaped their mouths were strong enough to resonate across the sea. They couldn't even say anything, they didn't know what to actually say except to wait for a proper answer. Nita took the initiative and went beside Freen. She smiled softly and handed her the knife to cut the cake. Freen smiled back and took the knife from her hand and began cutting the cake. The rest joined her as they enjoyed the delicious cake. Of course, there is no cake without taking some of the frosting and rubbing off on someone's face. Simply the chase and the war has begun, as each one of them targeted someone to ruin their face.

After a long battle, they all gathered together again, as Heng lit up a bonfire, because the weather was cold. As they sat together glancing at the afternoon sun trying to escape the cloudy curtains, Ms. Freeman couldn't bear to wait any much longer. She wanted Freen to change her mind, she wanted her to have a better life, and dropping out of college, was an option that leads to a catastrophic failure. For the last time she looked at everyone, who they in return were looking at each other, waiting for someone to be brave enough to talk to Freen. She sighed, scooted over and sat in front of her, causing Freen to wonder what is going on.

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