Why Can't You Love Me?

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She walked back to her friends, her heart still racing from the encounter. It was an unexpected moment, a chance meeting that made her world stand still. Every step felt like an eternity as she navigated her way towards her companions, her mind consumed with thoughts of the stranger she had just encountered. With a blink of an eye, her world transformed and returned her, to that encounter, making her body flinched as if it was real. As she stood still, with her sight traveling back to the past, the figure of that girl suddenly manifested in front of her. Her lips formed a soft smile, as her voice echoed within her ears. "I'm Rebecca" she reminisced "Rebecca Patricia Armstrong". 

As she slowly blinks again, her memory collapsed, pushing her back to her reality. She wondered around her, forgotten that she was daydreaming. With a heavy step, she began to walk again towards her friends. They say that love at first sight is a myth, a figment of our imaginations. But in that fleeting moment, she knew that something extraordinary had just transpired. It wasn't just his rugged charm or captivating smile that had caught her attention; it was the way he made her feel. Her heart skipped a beat, her breath caught in her chest, and her entire being became inexplicably intertwined with his mere presence. As she approached her friends, she couldn't help but replay the encounter in her mind. The way their eyes had locked, an instant connection that transcended time and space. In that moment, it was as if the world had faded away, leaving only the two of them standing there, suspended in a surreal reality.

-But as quickly as it had begun, it was over. The brown haired girl continued on her path, disappearing into the corners of the campus. And yet, the impact of their brief encounter lingered, leaving an indelible mark on her soul. Her world flashed again as she transtemporal traveled back again to the same moment. "Pleasure to meet you" she reminisced "And I am, Freen Sarocha Chankimha" Her friends noticed the change in her demeanor. They looked at her with curious anticipation, eager to uncover the source of her newfound radiance. With her dilated eyes, she gasped as she returned back once again. She took a moment to catch her breath, while her eyes roamed around her curious friends. She knew that they are questioning what just happened to her. She hesitated, unsure of how to articulate the whirlwind of emotions swirling within her.

-With an air of mystique, she finally composed herself and looked at them with her smile that grew from end to end. "what?" she wondered "did you guys missed me already?" Nita crossed her arms, as she raised a brow. "Where have you been?" she asked "and what's behind your smile?" Before she answered, Tee noticed some dirt on her clothes, she furrowed her brows and walked behind Freen, wondering what had happened. "Freeny!" she fretted, as she reached out to clean her clothes. "what happened! Who did this to you!" Nita's eyes widened, as she traced her body. "Freen! tell me what happened!" she quivered, as she helped to clean her clothes. "are you hurt!..talk to me!" She smiled and held both of their hands, to stop them from cleaning her clothes. "relax I'm ok!" she assured "while I was fleeing, I bumped into Olivia"

-Nam clenched her fist, as she stomped hardly on the ground "that bitch! I hate her!" she exclaimed "Tell me Freen! what did she do to you?" Freen heaved a sigh of annoyance and turned her gaze toward her face. "Nam..you should know by now that she will definitely give me a kiss on the cheek" she chuckled "I mean what else would she do to me?" Heng, placed his hands in his pocket searching for his phone. Freen frowned when she noticed that he was roaming his hands around his body. He was panicking when he thought that he lost his phone, only to discover that he had it in his back pocket. With a silly smile her wondered his eyes around his friend, as he discovered that Freen was looking at him. "Nosy sis!" He giggled "you know I can't afford to lose my phone right?"

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