To You, Couple Years Ago

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As the sun painted the sky with hues of orange and pink, the city began to stir. The streets were still relatively empty, save for the early risers and the occasional lone wanderer. In this fleeting moment of tranquility, the faint whispers of a siren began to echo through the vast emptiness of the deserted city streets. The siren grew louder, piercing through the silence like a song of urgency. Its wailing cry echoed off the tall buildings, awakening the sleeping city in an instant. People emerged from their homes, their curiosity peeking at this peculiar symphony. What could be the source of this spellbinding cacophony?

In the midst of this auditory assault, an ambulance emerged from the depths of the morning haze. Its lights danced in an uncanny choreography, captivating the eyes of anyone who dared to glance its way. This was no ordinary ambulance; it was a vessel of hope, a siren of life rushing towards human salvation. Inside the ambulance, the scene was even more intense. The paramedics worked with a sense of urgency, their hands moving in synchrony, enveloped in the chaos and madness that only an emergency room could offer. Their patient, a young woman, laid there, her pale face reflecting the struggle that her body was enduring.

-As the ambulance hurtled through the city streets, the paramedic's gaze never left the woman. The rhythmic beeping of her heart monitor matched the rhythm of their prayers. Time seemed to slow down, as if the weight of an entire life hung in the balance. As they arrived at the hospital's doors, chaos ensued. Nurses and the doctor rushed to assist, their skillful hands ready to fight for the woman's life.

-Machines whirred to life, their mechanical voices joining the symphony of human endeavor. "Patient Freen Chankimha, 28 years old" The paramedic informed "she was found in the alley..our Initial diagnosis indicates that the patient is suffering from, multiple fractions, lost a lot of blood, multiple scars on her body as a result of being whipped, low blood pressure causing for a cardiac arrest twice during our journey to here!". The lead doctor immediately turned and looked at his team. "CALL THE CARDIOLOGIST!" he yelled "I NEED EVERYONE IN THE ER NOW!"

-An hour has passed since Freen was in the ER, her condition was getting worse by the minute, but the doctors are willing to save her life. During that time, the nurses checked her file as they wanted to reach out to her family members. But unlikely to them, they only found one emergency number listed on her file. They immediately called the person, who promptly rushed towards the hospital. Her footsteps were uneven, every time she pushes herself, she finds herself falling on the floor. Her tears were blurring her sight, her thoughts were numb, her heart was pounding as if it will escape her chest, the only thing that she kept repeating was. "please don't die Freen! Please!"

-Finally she managed to get to the hallway where the ER is located. She cried out loud as she push herself towards. The nurses however, stopped her before entering the room. She tried to break through, but they managed to calm her down, and guided her towards the waiting area. She sat on the chair, clenching her hair as her tears streamed on her cheeks. She nervously kept tapping her foot, causing the head nurse to reach out and comfort her. "Ma'am..I want you to calm down please, Ms. Freen's condition is stabilized" she comforted "but we had to inform the authorities, we believe that the patient has been brutally assaulted, thus we need your cooperation with this matter" After hearing her words, Nita raised her head, wiped her tears and looked at her.

-Moments after the investigator entered the waiting area and sat in front of her. Before he asks any questions the nurse, she gave her a bottle of water, as last thing they need is for her to collapse. After a short moment, Nita was able to collect her thoughts and ready to answer his questions. The investigator pulled the file and began to ask. "Ms. you have any idea what had happened to Ms. Freen?" he inquired "Or at least did she tried to contact you for any help or assist?" Nita cleared her throat and looked at him. "N-no sir..she told me that she will be gone for a business trip" she squeaked "she didn't mentioned anything regarding her being assaulted"

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