Lost And Broken In Sadness's Embrace

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She awoke in the middle of the night feeling lost, broken, and hopeless. The weight of her family's legacy being snatched away by her greedy uncle felt like a ball and chain around her heart. She lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, unable to shake the feeling of despair that hung over her like a heavy fog. She thought about how her father had worked tirelessly to build their family empire, a successful different chains of companies had been passed down through generations. It had been a source of pride and security for her family, and they had always believed it would be there for them, providing for future generations. But now, it was all gone. Her uncle had swooped in, manipulative and cunning, and had somehow managed to take control of everything.

But The betrayal cut deep, like a knife twisting in her gut. She could feel the bitterness and anger rising within her, threatening to consume her whole. She couldn't understand how someone could be so callous, so calculating, to steal from their own flesh and blood. She felt so alone, so helpless. She tossed and turned, unable to find any peace in sleep. Even though her friends were sleeping around, the room felt suffocating, and she needed to escape. She slipped out of bed and made her way to the balcony, opening the door and exited her stifled cage. She gazed out at the moonlit landscape, feeling the weight of the world pressing down on her shoulders.

As she stood there, a thought flickered in her mind. She couldn't let her uncle get away with this. She couldn't allow him to destroy everything her family had worked so hard to build. She couldn't let her father's legacy fade into nothing. But how could she possibly do? How could she possibly react and fight him when she has nothing? She lost everything, she barely can survive until the end of the year, then she has to either sell the house or find a job. Now with these thoughts, another burden is added on her shoulders.

What will people say if she suddenly worked in a place other than her father's company. They will begin questioning her, rumors will spread, tales about the company and how the brother out of nowhere took over, how can she handle and manage all of that!?. Leaning against the handrail, she glanced at the sky, looking at the stars as they spark. She used to stand out here, glaring at the sky as they inspired her. She used to create anything that her hands touches. People are circling around her just for a chance to hack into anything that they ask for. But now, all of that spark and passion were long gone.

She glanced over her shoulder, looking at her sleeping friends, swimming deep into their oceans of dreams. As a soft smile formed on her lips, she wondered what they were dreaming about? What stories they hold within their hearts? What hopes are they aiming to achieve? And most importantly, what future they shaped for themselves. Her smile faded away the moment she saw someone is missing. She frowned and slowly turned back wondering with her eyes, the whereabouts of her friend. She leaned forward and looked around, but she's nowhere to be found. As her heart began to pound, she swiftly walked back to her bed, and grabbed her phone.

Before she press call, her bedroom door was slowly opened. She softly gasped as her phone slipped away from her hands, falling on her foot. She bit her lip as she shut her eyes, suppressing the pain that she felt. Nita worryingly placed the cup on the mini table, as rushed towards her and kneeled on the floor. She was about to check on her foot, but Freen quickly grabbed her and shook her head. She then pointed at the balcony, as she bend over to take her phone. Nita obliged and went to grab the cup from the mini table, as she made her way there. Freen followed and closed the door behind her, tilting her back against it.

-Nita smiled and handed the cup to her and tilted her back against the handrail. Freen took a sip, as her expressions changed immediately, causing her to smile, as if she was a child just had a candy. "Do you like it?" she giggled, while crossing her arms. Freen nodded and sipped again. "Its delicious!" she exclaimed excitedly, with her eyes fixated on the milk "what did you add in there!...and..and..if I finish it...can you make me some more!" Nita chuckled and shook her head "not now though" she said "you have to sleep..and rest for now..I promise you that I will prepare it again in the afternoons"

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