Chapter 2

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"Hello, this is your captain speaking. We have started our descent into Monaco. The time of our arrival is 11:00am local time. The weather is cloudy and 9 degrees Celsius. On behalf of myself and the flight crew we hope you enjoyed your flight, and we hope to see you again soon."

The sound of the captains voice over the speakers jolted me awake up from the nap, I was enjoying. I quickly looked at my watch and saw that we have about 25 minutes until we would be landing.

The 12 hour flight was long and tiring, but it gave me the opportunity to reflect on what just happened the day before.

After everything that has happened the last couple years, I finally had a chance to be myself again and I was going to jump at the chance to discover parts of the old me again.

Or maybe a part of me also wanted to see if I could discover a new me...

Someone who wasn't shackled down by to the weight of making everyone around her happy...

Freedom... I was finally free to do what makes me happy.

This was my chance to reinvent myself and make the changes needed to be a better me.

I was not going to let anything stop me from being carefree and happy...

I was not going to let what Jake had put me through stop me from finding the person I was supposed to be with... my soul mate.

I have always believed in soul mates... that there was someone out there in the world made just for you. I was a big romantic at heart... all I wanted was to feel loved and that I was someone's choice.

With Jake I constantly felt like I was Meredith Grey from Greys Anatomy saying "pick me... choose me... love me." Begging for him to love me and to choose me.

It's crazy to think that in less than 48 hours... I left my fiancé on our wedding day and hopped on a plane to a new adventure. If you would have told me that 72 hours ago I would have called you crazy.

What scares me the most is how much I've been thinking about the mysterious man from the airport.

I caught myself pulling his hoodie up to my nose and breathing in the smell of his cologne... the smell was intoxicating. Here I am smelling him constantly, and i don't even know his name.

I couldn't seem to get the gorgeous green eyed, brown haired mystery man out of my mind.  No matter what I tried I couldn't stop thinking about the him.

Why him?

What was I so captivating about a stranger I had a minute conversation with?

Was it the way his green eyes popped in the black shirt he was wearing?

Or was it the way he  pulled off his sweatshirt so that I wouldn't have to wear a coffee stained r-shirt my whole flight to Monaco.

Or the fact that he seemed genuinely interested in talking to me... like he was almost disappointed that he couldn't talk to me more when they called him for his flight?

Or was I just over thinking everything?

My relationship with Jake seemed to have messed with my head and made me believe that the only person who would ever love me and he interested in me was him.

He would constantly tell me that I was a psycho bitch and that no man would ever love me, and that Jake was the only man that would ever tolerate me.

Fate (C.L)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin