Chapter 3

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Waking up this morning I felt refreshed. The bed in my room was so comfy that it felt like I was sleeping on a cloud, the second my body hit the mattress I was out like a light. I think it was the first time in a while where I actually had a good sleep, and didn't spend most of the night over thinking everything. 

While living with Jake there would be many nights, where Jake would go out with his friends coming home in the wee hours of the night smelling like alcohol and women's perfume.

The first couple of times it had happened, I confronted him and we would fight about it. Eventually I just gave up fighting, and let him do what ever he wanted. I guess back then he was showing me signs that he was being unfaith, but I guess I was too blind to see them.

Todays plan was to explore Monaco, thankfully Kelly and Max gave me a couple days off so that I could get used to the time change and the new country I would be living in.

They have made me feel extremely comfortable, treating me like family as soon as I stepped into their house. 

Kelly embraced me right away and made it her mission to make me feel as comfortable as possible. Quickly becoming more like an older sister than a boss.

Max jokes that he is happy I'm there so Kelly has a constant friend in the house to do girly things so that he doesn't have to suffer and do them himself.

Watching the way they interacted with each other  you could see how much they love  each other. It had only been a couple days but I could tell that they were an amazing little family.

Penelope was an amazing little girl who embraced me right away, calling me her best friend.  The little  girl quickly made her way into my heart, with her kind and thoughtful personality. My first day there Penelope made  me a welcome sign that Max hung up in my room, while Kelly was picking me up from the airport.

Kelly had recommended that I walk around the city's downtown to look at all the small little boutiques and cafes that were just waiting for me to explore.

I quickly checked the weather app before climbing out of bed and heading over to my closet. I decided to wear my blue high waisted jeans with a black bodysuit, and my cream coloured cardigan.  I grabbed my white adidas running shoes and a jacket and made my way to the front door.

"I'm heading out, for a little bit. Do you guys need anything while I'm out?" I asked as I saw Kelly and Max sitting in the tv room talking as Penelope played quietly with her Barbie's.

"No it's okay! We don't need anything." Kelly said smiling at me. "Have fun."

"Thanks! See you guys later."

I grabbed my purse and house key that they had made for me, and made my way out the door.

I walked to the elevator and pushed the down button and waited for the elevator to arrive.

Seconds later the door opened and all I heard was "You" as I stepped into the elevator as the doors opened up.

Startled, I quickly looked up and staring back at me was the handsome stranger that had been occupying my thoughts since that evening in the airport.

"Hi." I answered shyly, still in shock that the person I had been thinking about, was standing in front of me looking just as shocked.

"What are you doing here?" He questioned, a small smile forming on his face.

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