Chapter 5

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Yesterday, felt like a dream... the type of dream you never wanted to wake up from. Like for once I was the main character in one of the love stories I was always reading.

For the first time in awhile... I felt sparks... butterflies... tingles with every touch... I finally felt alive again.

I have been going through the motions for so long that it felt refreshing to finally feel these feelings and emotions again.

"Good morning Elle," Penelope said as she looked up from her picture book as I walked into the room, Kelly getting breakfast ready.

"Good morning everyone" I said as I gave her a hug Penelope a hug before sitting down at the kitchen table beside her.

"How are you feeling after all the wine we drank last night?" Asked Kelly as she walked over towards me carrying a cup of coffee in her hands gently setting it down in front of me.

We may or may not have drank two bottles of white wine last night. From the looks of it Kelly seemed to be feeling the effects of the decision to keep drinking after we finished the first bottle.

"Thank you so much" I sighed as I took a sip of the delicious coffee. "I feel good, luckily I don't get hangovers." I joked.

"Lucky you." Replied Kelly as she took a sip of her own coffee.

"Max has training all day so Penelope and I were wondering if you would like to come with us to the nail salon this afternoon?" Asked Kelly, as she set down some croissants in the middle of the table.

"That sounds like so much fun! We can have a girls day!" I said as I gave Penelope as high-five before grabbing her a croissant and placing it on the plate in front of her.

"You can also tell me all about the flirting I witnessed between you and Charles last night. I swear I could see the sparks flying off of you two. He couldn't keep his hands off of you, always making sure to have one part of his body touching yours... At one point it looked like he was disappointed when he had to leave your side when it was his turn to race on the simulator. I've known Charles for a while I have never seen him like this before." Kelly said as she smiled at me.

I couldn't help the blush that took over my cheeks as I listened to Kelly tell me everything that she noticed last night between Charles and I.

"I mean... come on Elle. They way you guys met is straight from a movie... and the way you guys quite literally keep running into each other the way you do... it seems like fate is stepping in."

Flash backs of the night before fresh in my brain, parts of my body still tingling from the innocent touches and stolen stares.

I still couldn't get over the way he made me feel so safe and comfortable when I was cuddled up to into his side... like nothing was ever going to hurt me if I had him by my side.

The way he would whisper into my ear as we watched Max race on the simulator as he absentmindedly rubbed my thigh with his free hand while concentrating on the screen in front of us was enough to give me goosebumps.

The way he would causally look over towards Kelly to see if she was watching us, hoping no one was watching...

The image of him softly biting the corner of his lip as he concentrated on racing when it was his turn on the simulator ingrained into my brain.

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