Chapter 13

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"Ellie," Penelope whispered as she burst through my bedroom door. Pushing my door a little to hard causing the door to bang into the wall. The sound of my door flying open and hitting the wall waking me up from my sleep. I rolled over and looked at the time, 6:30 on a Sunday morning. Groaning I rolled over so that she could climb into bed with me.

I could hear her little feet hit the floor as she ran to my bed and jumped under the covers with me.

"Can I lay with you," Penelope whispered ash she cuddled her body into mine, a yawn escaping her lips as she began rubbing her eyes, "bad dream."

"Oh penny," I said as I cuddled her, hoping that I could provide her some comfort so that she would be able to fall asleep again.

"you left me," she whispered as she pushed her body closer to me.

"I will always be there for you," I said as she kissed her forehead.

Within seconds I could hear soft snores escaping her lips as her body relaxes against mine. Smiling to my self I closed my eyes and willed my body to fall asleep again.

Once again I was awoken but this time it was by a kiss on the forehead as I felt someone climb into bed with me.

Confused I slowly opened my eyes and saw Charles laying beside me with a big smile on his face.

"Charles," I'm whispered, shocked that he was laying in bed with me. I had been dreaming about this moment ever since he left for Italy.

"Max let me in," he whispered as he pulled my body closer to his so that he was spooning me, "I couldn't wait... I missed you way too much."

I gently rolled over trying not to wake up Penelope who was still sleeping beside me. Thank god I had a king size bed. I placed my hands on Charles face and pulled his face down so that I could kiss him properly.

"I'm never leaving you for that long ever again," Charles said as soon as my lips left his.

Nodding my head I burried my head into his chest as I sighed in content.

"Let's sleep mon amour," Charles said as he began to a close his eyes, exhausted from the early morning flight he took, just so he could get home faster to Elle.

Laying here with Charles felt absolutely perfect, I couldn't help but think that we fit together like a puzzle piece.

     ...Charles POV...

My heart skipped a beat as soon as I walked into Elle's bedroom and saw Penelope and Elle cuddled together sleeping peacefully.

My mind started to wander, imagines of Elle sleeping in bed with there children... Of him coming back home from a race weekend their children running to the door to greet him, a pregnant Elle waddling towards him.

Images of Elle walking down the aisle wearing a beautiful white dress and Charles standing at the alter trying to hold back his tears.

She was his person and the one who he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. The three weeks away from her made it clear now more than ever that Elle was his home and the person he was going to spend the rest of his life with... there was no doubt in his mind that he loved her. Now he just had to figure out a way to tell her that wouldn't make her run for the hills especially because it was so early into their relationship.

I quickly placed my jacket on the chair in the corner of the room and made my way over to where Elle and Penelope were sleeping cuddling into one another.

The whole flight home I was thinking about this moment, the moment when I would climb into bed with Elle and pull her close. Two months ago I didn't even know she existed and now she is all I could think about. When we were apart all I wanted was to be next to her.

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