Chapter 4

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Charles... the man who has been occupying a good portion of my brain for the last couple days. The man who has been making me smile randomly at just the thought of him since the moment we had bumped into each other. 

I am so thankful to finally have a name to put to his face, instead of 'mystery man' like Lucy likes to call him.

I have been wearing his hoodie to bed at night, because for some reason the smell of him was very comforting... plus it was huge on me which was a bonus.

He almost seems to good to be true, like he came right out of a movie or a romance novel...

He was handsome, polite, and even seemed romantic based on the recent text message he sent me.

No man had ever sent me such a cheesy, yet romantic text message before, the kind that makes you blush not even Jake and we were about to get married.

Maybe it was a European thing to be romantic and flirt with everyone?... a guy like him must be in a relationship.

I sent Lucy a screen shot of the text message last night before bed, she instantly replied that I need to find him and make him mine, unless he is already taken...Then I need to see if he has a brother or best friend who is single. Typical Lucy always making me laugh with the stuff that comes out of her mouth.

Was he in a relationship and just being polite? Or was I just reading into this all wrong. The way he has been flirting with me suggests that he is single.

Did he find me attractive?... Or was he just being kind because he felt bad about spilling my coffee all over me.

Jake made sure to make me feel very self conscious...making sure to never tell me I was beautiful or even pretty. I would always get you look fine or maybe you should put on more make up.  A part of me thinks he did this so that I would never have the confidence to leave his sorry ass. It took me four years, but eventually I saw right through his bullshit.

I climbed out of bed and got ready for the day, I was planning on taking Penelope swimming in the indoor pool that was in the apartment. I put on my bathing suit underneath my leggings and knitted sweater making my way into the living room once I was ready.

"Good morning everyone."

"Morning Elle," responded Kelly as she looked up from the magazine she was reading as Penelope sat down on the floor in front of her doing some colouring.

"Good morning Elle." Max said smiling as he looked up from his phone, taking a sip of his coffee.

I sat down beside P asking her if I could colour with her. We sat there colouring for almost an hour before I asked Penelope if she wanted to make some pancakes for breakfast with me.

We walked into the kitchen and started gathering all the ingredients that we would need to make some blueberry pancakes. Once all the ingredients were placed on the counter, I grabbed a chair from the table and placed it in front of the counter so that Penelope could stand on it and reach the counter.

I set a mixing bowel and mixing spoon in front of her while I started measuring all the ingredients so that they would be ready for her to pour into the mixing bowel. We worked together as a team to make delicious blueberry pancakes, I would measure the ingredients, and Penelope would pour them into a bowel. Once both the dry and wet ingredients were in the bowel, Penelope used a spoon to mix them all together.

While she was busy mixing the batter, I grabbed a frying pan out of the cupboard, and turned on the stove getting it ready for when the batter was finished.

"Okay P, the frying pan is ready for the batter. The pan is very hot so I am going to help you pour some of batter into it."

"Ok," she exclaimed excitedly as she reached her arms up for me to hold her.

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