Chapter 12

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      ...Beginning of February...

Its crazy how fast time flies by... one minute I am sitting down eating pizza with Charles and his family and in a blink of an eye three weeks have passed.

The day after we had dinner with Pascale and Arthur, Charles got the call that he was needed at the Ferrari Factory in Maranello. So he packed his bags and hopped on a plane to Italy so he could train with his team and get ready for the new season.

The season was less than a month away from starting, so everyone was a little stressed about getting the car exactly where they need it to be by the beginning of the season.

Charles days seemed exhausting, they were filled with training sessions with Andre, strategy meetings with the engineers, and starting this week they began practicing in the race simulator.

Even though I haven't been able to see Charles in person over the last couple of weeks due to our busy schedules it felt like no time had passed. The first couple days of Charles being away were a little bit tricky but it didn't take long for us to find a routine that worked for us.

No matter how busy Charles was he always seemed to find time in his busy schedule to call me or video call me every single night so that we could talk about our days.  He said seeing my face everyday motivates him and inspires him to keep pushing himself to reach his goals because he wants to impress his strong and beautiful girlfriend.

I didn't want to seem to needy so every once in a while I would express to Charles that I didn't want him to feel like he had to FaceTime or call me every night, and that I understand how busy his schedule is.

Every single time I would mention it  to him he would simply respond with 'As much as I love racing and I know it takes up a majority of my time you are a priority to me Belle, and talking to you every night is a priority.'

Hearing the words 'your a priority' was a new concept for me especially in romantic relationships and was something I needed to get used to.

But still every single time he would tell me I was a priority it shocked me. No one in my life had ever made me feel this way before... well besides my parents and Lucy of course.

The last couple of weeks with Kelly and Penelope were amazing, I was finally settling into my new life, creating new routines and finally feeling like a new version of my old self... being here and starting over made me realize now more than ever that I never wanted to return to my old life, and the person who I became when I was with Jake. I would never lose myself to make someone else happy.

"Ellie are you ready?" asked Penelope as she burst into my bedroom and ran into my legs giving me a hug.

"Pennie! Let's go," I exclaimed as I bent down and picked up Penelope and placed her on my hip.

"We are going to have so much fun," Penelope said as I walked out of my room with her in my arms.

"Ellie?" Questioned Penelope as she snuggled into my arms. "You're my best."

"Awe Penny, your my best friend too." I said as I kissed her forehead and continued to walk down the hallway towards teh living room where Kelly was waiting for us.

"You ready to go?" She asked as she stood up and walked over to where her purse was hanging near the front door.

"Oh No, I forgot my purse," I said as I realized that when Penelope ran into the room I forgot to pick it up.

"Don't worry about it... it's Max's treat," Kelly said grinning as she held up Max's credit card.


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