Chapter 14

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...Disneyland Paris...

"Ellie look! It's Rapunzel," shouted Penelope as she reached for my hand. The second her little hand grasped mine she quickly took off running as fast as her little legs could take her towards where Rapunzel was standing taking pictures with other children.

"Let's go!" I shouted just as excited S she was, giggling as we both took of running hand in hand. I couldn't help but feel like a little girl again as we ran towards Rapunzel. The excitement of meeting her favourite Disney character in person exciting the both of us. I think Penelope and I have watched Tangled almost every day since I have arrived in Monaco.

Penelope and I kept running giggling as we got further and further away from our group. Penelope using all her strength to drag me towards the group of people, eager to get in line to meet her favourite princess.

Charles, Kelly and Max slowly followed behind us laughing as they watched Penelope and I run across the park towards the princess. From the corner of my eye I could see people take pictures of our group. Something I was still struggling to get used too.

"Elle's amazing with Children isn't she... she would make an amazing mother one day." Kelly teasing Charles as he smiled at his girlfriend... imagining her with his children one day.

We stood in line patiently waiting for our turn to meet Rapunzel.  Charles holding my hand as we watched Penelope bounce up and down excited to meet her idol.

"I hope our kids are as adorable as Penelope," Charles blurted out quietly into my ear as we both looked over towards Penelope who was still freaking out about being so close to her idol. I could feel my cheeks instantly flush as I heard Charles talk about our future.

Before I could even respond to Charles Penelope started to wonder more about Rapunzel.

"Ellie," Penelope said as she grabbed my hand breaking me from my thoughts, "Do you think Pascal is here?"  The look of wonder and excitement as she absentmindedly played with my fingers.

Before I could even answer Penelopes question, we were all distracted by Charles sudden outburst once again... this time to Penelope's question. 

"What?" Stuttered Charles trying to find the words in English "My moms not here... is she?" He questioned the look of confusion came across his face as he frantically started to look around us thinking his mom had crashed the party.

To be honest it would not have surprised Charles one bit if his mom had decided to show up. As soon as Pascale found out about Charles plan for the Paris getaway, she was dropping hints that she would like to go on a vacation with the both of them. It seemed like Elle was all Pascale talked about when ever Charles talked to his mom, it was almost like his mom loved Elle more than him and his brothers.

Kelly, Max, and I couldn't help but laugh at the look on Charles face, knowing that he had no idea that Pascal was the chameleon in the movie.

"Oh Babe," I started to say before Penelope cut me off.

"NO Char Char," Penelope sassed as she gave him a look of disappointment that he didn't know more about Rapunzel and Pascal.

"Pascal is Rapunzel's best friend and pet chameleon," I gently explained trying not to embarrass him even more, gently giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. As soon as the words left my mouth he started blushing about his outburst.

"Oh," he mumbled as he looked down from embarrassment.

"It's okay Charlie," reassured Penelope as she used her other hand to grab onto his "we can watch the movie together when we are back at home."

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