Chapter 16

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... Monaco...

"Morning baby- " Charles said in his morning voice. His voice raspy from sleep "Happy Valentine's Day."

Giggling I leaned over and kissed his lips "Happy Valentine's Day my love." I said as I leaned my head on his bare chest looking up into his green eyes. I swear I could get lost staring into his eyes.

"How did I get so lucky?" sighed Charles in content as he kissed my forehead.

"I think we both got lucky when you ran into me at the airport-" I giggled as I had a flashback to how we first met "you ruined my favourite shirt."

"I may have ruined your shirt but you stole my heart-" teased Charles "and my favourite sweatshirt."

"I don't think you will ever get that sweatshirt back- " I said pushing his shoulder gently. "It's way to comfy."

"My favourite was when we were stuck in the elevator together... we were too nervous to say anything." Charles said smiling as he remembered the time we both got stuck in the elevator.

"Remember when you saved me from that creepy guy at the club. You have always been there to save me." I said kissing his lips once again.

"I can't wait to make more memories with you baby." Charles

We laid in bed cuddling for a couple minutes just enjoying each others company. The season would start soon and we both knew how busy Charles would be once it did. We wanted to enjoy these moments while we could.

"Let's go have some coffee." Suggested Charles as he stood up from bed and made his way into the kitchen wearing only his pajamas bottoms. Stopping at the doorway to wink at me as soon as he noticed me staring at him and his body. One benefit of dating a formula one driver is that they have a very muscular body.

Giggling I grabbed one of Charles hoodies and pulled it over my head and followed Charles into the kitchen, wearing my pajama shorts and his hoodie.

When I walked into the kitchen I saw Charles standing in the kitchen smiling with three bouquets of red and pink roses in a beautiful vase, and a bottle of expensive white wine.

"Happy Valentines Baby" he said proud of himself  for surprising me .

"Oh Charles- " I said surprised "you are so amazing."

"Can we spend the day cuddling? " Charles asked as he started pouring coffee into two mugs. "We will start with coffee then move on to the wine later."

"Sounds like a perfect day." I said as I grabbed a mug of coffee and made my way to the couch.

"Oooh!" Charles said as soon as he made his way over to the couch "We should make a pillow fort with our blankets and pillows."

I couldn't help but laugh at my adorable boyfriend, who was grinning ear to ear at the thought of building a pillow and blanket fort.

"I'll go grab the blanket and pillows from our bed, you start making the fort using the couch pillows." I suggested as I put my coffee mug on the coffee table and made my way back to OUR bedroom to collect the items we would need for the fort.

I still can't believe that I had moved into the apartment right after we got back from Paris. It still felt like a dream.

When I walked back into the tv room, I was amazed at what Charles had already been able to set up. He had moved the coffee table to the side of the room. He then took a couple cushions off of the couch and made a little bed on the floor using the cushions. He used the remaining cushion and stood them up against the couch armrests.

Fate (C.L)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن