Impulsive Decisions - Will Halstead

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The fire raged on with a ferocity that seemed to devour everything that was in its path. Amidst the chaos, YN Voight stood on the opposite side of the street, her pounding against her chest as the sound of everyone's cries filled the air. But there was one cry in particular that caught her undivided attention. The wails of a small child out of a second story window were the only one the young woman could focus on during all the commotion around her, fueling her determination as she watched the firemen around her scramble.

Without a moment of hesitation, YNN dashed into the blazes of the inferno, ignoring the calls of her to stop what she was doing and having her senses overwhelmed from the heat and smoke that now surrounded her. The intensity of her surroundings fueled her focus as she navigated the burning structure, each step being coordinated and careful maneuver. The child's cries guided YN's way through the billowing smoke and constant falling debris.

With adrenaline as her only ally through the blazing heat and flames, she found the little boy, trapped in the far corner of his family's apartment. Fear was etched across his tear-stained face. The Voight girl scooped up the small child, shielding his fragile frame from the danger that surrounded the two of them. As they made their way back out of the fiery blaze, YN passed a few other people that hadn't quite yet found their way out of the building and continued to guide them out.

When they all finally emerged from the roaring inferno, her heart raced as she cradled the child protectively in her arms close to her chest. Will Halstead, seasoned doctor at Gaffney Chicago Medical Center as well as her boyfriend, and her father, Sergeant Hank Voight, dashed forward with evident concern etched upon their faces.

"My god, YNN!" Will voice cut through the chaos that surrounded them all. His eyes instantly began scanning over her body as well as the small boy's for any injury that could have come to them as they braved the blazes. Relief flooded his expression as he found the two relatively unscathed.

Hank's voice bellowed soon after, his authoritative tone laced with worry and anger towards his daughter. "What the hell were you thinking, YN?" He questioned her as Dr. Halstead took the child from her arms to return him to his parents who awaited off to the side. "Running into a fire like that? That was a careless and stupid move on your part?"

"I didn't do anything that you wouldn't have done yourself." The YHC girl said as she looked into her father's eyes and tried to catch her breath from the adrenaline high she was coming down from.

"Excuse me, Serge, if I may," Will said as he stepped back up to the two of them, his voice firm but calm. "If it wasn't for your daughter's bravery all those people would have burned up in the flames. She saved them. YNN, saved a lot of people today. People who were trapped in their own homes and couldn't find a way out. It takes a lot of courage to do what she just did. She only did what her father has taught her."

The gravity of his words hung heavy in the air between the three of them, testament of his girlfriend's strong will to be an ally to those less fortunate than her. Hank's expression soften as he looked around them at the dozens of people his daughter helped, including and especially the little boy she came out carrying.

He looked back at YN with with gentle eyes, now that he had thought about everything that had transpired within the last half hour. "Get her checked out, will you?" He asked the Halstead man, in a slight grumble. "With how long you were in the building, the amount of smoke you inhaled isn't good for anyone."

As YNN sat in the ambulance, she couldn't help but feel a storm of emotions swirling within her. Will stood by her side in a silent form of support, his presence a reassurance in the midst of everything going on. She knew her impulsive actions worried not only her father but him as well, but her sole focus had been on saving the boy.

"Thank you," she said pulling the oxygen mask away from her face slightly. "Not only from saving me from Daddy's lecture, but for just being here."

Will smiled and reached out, taking her hand in his. "Babygirl, no matter what you do, I'll support you. It's just unfortunate that when dating a Voight, her dangerous and impulsive decisions come with the territory." He stated with a small chuckle which in turn made the yea eyed girl let out a giggle of her own as she placed the mask back in its spot.

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