Promises of the Night - G Callen

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I had just returned home after a much-needed night out with Sam and Deeks at the bar down the road from the boat house. It had been a while since we all got out and didn't worry what the case that was going to file in would be. A night filled with nothing but laughter, drinks, and a few dart games throughout the night. The worry of the day had melted off my shoulders throughout the night. But as I entered our bedroom, the sight that greeted me shifted my mood from relaxation to concern.

YN was sitting on our bed, surrounded by her brother's case files and photographs. Papers were spread out haphazardly, and the dim glow of the desk lamp revealed the weariness etched into her features. She had fallen asleep sitting up, elbow resting on my pillow and her head being held up on her hand, her other hand clutching a photograph of her brother.

I sighed softly, my heart aching for her. Dawson's unsolved case had become an obsession for her, a relentless pursuit of justice that often kept her awake into the early hours of the morning. She was bound and determined to find to S.O.B. that had killed her brother. Did I blame her? No of course not. He was an amazing brother-in-law and an even brother. But it had almost been 2 years since he was murdered, and we still had nothing to go on. I can understand the feeling all too well though.

Gently, I began to collect the scattered documents and photos, carefully placing them back into their respective folders. Having done this many times before now, I know exactly what goes where to keep everything in order. It gives her the sense of having the smallest bit of control she needs to get through the day. As I moved the papers and photos off the bed and parts of her body, YNN began to stir awake.

"G?" she mumbled; her voice heavy with sleep.

I knelt beside her after placing everything in my hand back in its box, my fingers brushing a strand of hair away from her face. "Hey, honey."

She blinked up at me, confusion giving way to recognition as she looked at the clock. "I didn't realize how late it had gotten."

I continued to collect the scattered papers, my voice gentle. "Looks like you've been at this for hours, babe. Don't you think it's time to give it a rest for a while?"

Her eyes welled up with frustration, her voice trembling with emotion. "I just can't let it go, G. Almost two years and we're no closer than we were on day one. I have racked my brain on every possible person that I knew of in his life that he was close with and cross referenced everything that I had ever known Dawson to do or thought he would do. I can't figure out a single detail we might have missed. On top of that, Dad has been constantly asking about it. I give him the same old, 'Daddy, you know I can't really talk about,' but that only deters him for so long before he's asking again. Mama can't sleep at night. I just feel like I'm letting them down... letting Dawson down."

I understood her pain, her need for closure. But I also knew that this relentless pursuit was taking a toll on her, physically and emotionally. Seeing my wife go through something I have gone through myself was never an easy feat, but she was there through all of it for me and I was going to be there for her in return.

"YN," I said, my tone reassuring, "I promise you; we will find the person who killed your brother. But for now, you need to rest. You don't have to do this alone; the rest of our team and I are here to help you. We've all been through something of a similar matter, and you were there for us. Let us be there for you. As your team member, it's my job to watch your back. As your husband it's my job to watch out for your wellbeing. Let it rest just a few hours so you can sleep, eat, do the things you normally do. It can all wait till morning."

Tears filled her eyes, a mixture of exhaustion and gratitude. "I don't know what I'd do without you, G."

I took her hand in mine, my thumb gently caressing her knuckles. "You'll never have to find out, YNN. You're stuck with me till the end of time."

YN let out a small giggle and I could see the exhaustion written on her face. "I would say something smartass-y but I'm too grateful at the moment to do so.

As I helped her lie down, I could see the weight of her brother's case finally begin to lift from her shoulders, if only for a brief moment. I settled beside her, my arm wrapped around her, and as we drifted off to sleep, I held onto the promise I had made-to stand by her side, to support her in her quest for justice, and to provide the love and comfort she so desperately needed.

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