New Field - Tim McGee

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It was a typical evening at the McGee household, filled with the comforting sounds of laughter, chatter, and the aroma of dinner cooking in the kitchen. It was the first time in a while that YN and Tim actually got to sit down and enjoy a meal together after a long day's worth of work. With Tim being an agent at NCIS and YN's hectic schedule at the coffee shop she worked at, they barely got to see each other even though they lived in the same apartment. So, this was a nice relaxing change from their normal routine.

Tim had always been the responsible older brother who looked out for his younger sisters. He knew just about everything there was to know about YNN, but he knew she was keeping something from him.

"So, YNN," He began, his curiosity piqued, "is there anything new you've been wanting to tell me?"

The YHC haired girl in front of him looked down at her plate and slowly began shoveling her food around it. "Umm, yeah, kind of. But I wouldn't call it new, perse, but it's something I've been thinking about doing for a while."

Tim raised an eyebrow, his tone teasing. "Well, don't keep me in suspense. What is it?"

YN hesitated for a moment before meeting her brother's gaze. "I've been thinking about going back to school for forensic science. I've been talking to Abby and Sebastian down in the New Orleans office about it over the last few weeks and both have said if it was a field, I really enjoyed I was more than welcome to join one of them in an internship. Abby has already talked to Vance about it, and he seemed pleasantly surprised with the idea."

He blinked in surprise, his initial shock giving way to a smile. "Really? That's awesome, YNN! Broadening your horizons is a great idea."

YN let out a nervous laugh, her shoulders relaxing as she realized her brother's reaction was better than she had expected. "I mean you know me, always into the weird stuff as Sarah likes to put it. Figured this will give me the start I need to get me out of this rut I've seemingly dug myself into the past few months."

Tim reached across the table to place a reassuring hand on her arm. "YNN, no matter what you want to do in life, career wise or whatever, know that I'll support you through it all. Besides it'll be great to be able to spend more time with you."

A warm feeling of relief washed over YN as she looked at her brother, her eyes welling up with gratitude. "Thank you, Timmy. I was scared you'd think it was silly."

Her brother shook his head, his voice earnest. "I don't know what made you think that, but I can tell you right now, that's not how I see it at all. You're great at finding the smaller details that others miss, and I think forensics is a great field for you to be in, especially if you are into stuff like that. I say go for it, YNN."

They shared a moment of silent understanding, the unspoken bond that had always connected them growing even stronger. Tim couldn't help but tease her one more time. "Now do you want to guess who told me first?"

YN chuckled, knowing that Tim had already known or else he probably wouldn't have asked. "It was Abby, wasn't it?"

Tim nodded, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Yep, the girl couldn't contain her excitement. She told me right before she had talked to Vance."

YN shook her head in mock exasperation. "That girl can't keep a secret to save her life."

Her brother gave her an amused smile as he let out a small chuckle. "Well, secrets don't stay secret for long in this family."

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