Personal - Derek Morgan

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The fluorescent lights of the BAU bullpen cast a stark glow over the team members as they immersed themselves in the case details. I, YN YLN, had recently joined this elite group, each member with their own unique strengths and dynamics. However, it was clear that I was still a bit of a mystery to some, especially Derek Morgan.

Derek's cautious interactions with me were noticeable, his friendly demeanor with the others juxtaposed with a sense of reservation whenever our paths crossed. I understood it; I was the new kid on the block, and trust needed to be earned.

That changed when Hotch assigned Derek and me to check out a crime scene together. As we drove to the location, the atmosphere in the car was a mix of professionalism and curiosity.

"So, YN," Derek began, his voice casual yet inquisitive. "What brought you to the BAU?"

I glanced at him, recognizing the genuine interest in his eyes. "Criminal psychology has always fascinated me. I wanted to make a difference, understand the minds behind the crimes."

Derek nodded, his gaze focused on the road. "It's a tough job, but it's rewarding. You'll fit right in."

As we arrived at the crime scene, the grim reality of the situation weighed heavily in the air. The victim's life had been brutally taken, leaving behind a trail of unanswered questions. We worked alongside the local law enforcement, combing through evidence and analyzing the scene.

As we examined the surroundings, a detail caught my eye—a small carving on the wall, seemingly insignificant amidst the chaos. I crouched down to get a closer look, my heart pounding as the realization hit me.

Derek noticed my reaction and moved closer. "What is it, YNN?"

I traced the carving with my gloved finger, my voice tight with suppressed emotion. "My sister, she... she was killed in the same manner. This carving was left at her crime scene too."

Derek's eyes held a mixture of surprise and concern. "Your sister's case is still open?"

I nodded, my throat constricting with the memories that resurfaced. "Yes. They never caught the person responsible for her death."

Derek's expression softened, his understanding evident. "I'm sorry, YNN. I had no idea."

A sense of camaraderie settled between us, the walls of caution slowly crumbling as we shared a common connection—the pain of loss and the determination to find answers. But there was something more, a suspicion that gnawed at the edges of my thoughts.

As we left the crime scene, Derek's voice was thoughtful. "YN, I think your sister's case and these killings might be connected."

I met his gaze, my eyes searching his for confirmation. "You think so too?"

He nodded, his features determined. "The similarities can't be a coincidence. Let's keep digging, YNN."

Derek's POV

The BAU office felt different after the crime scene visit with YN. The shared revelation of her sister's death, the connection between her loss and the current case—it had shifted the dynamic between us. As I walked into the bullpen, I couldn't shake the feeling that we were onto something significant.

Hotch was at his desk, focused on his computer screen. I approached him, my voice low and serious. "Hotch, we need to talk."

He looked up, his eyes meeting mine. "What did you find, Morgan?"

I leaned in, my tone cautious. "The victim had the same carving left at the scene that was left at YN's sister's crime scene."

Hotch's brow furrowed, his expression pensive. "That's not a coincidence."

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