Unearthing Stories - Jack Hodgins

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The sun streamed through the windows of the quaint café as Hodgins and YN sat at a corner table, their laughter blending with the hum of conversations around them. Best friends and colleagues at the Jeffersonian Institute, they often took the opportunity to share a meal and catch up on life beyond the lab.

Jack took a sip of his coffee, his eyes curious as he leaned in. "You know, YNN, I've always wondered what brought you from your hometown to DC. What made you take that big leap?"

YN's expression turned thoughtful, and she stirred her drink for a moment before meeting Jack's gaze. "Well, it's a story that goes way back."

Jack's eyebrows raised, intrigued. "I'm all ears."

YN took a deep breath, her gaze distant as she recounted, "Back in my hometown, there was this guy. He started off as a friend, but things got complicated. He became possessive, controlling. It escalated to the point where he was stalking me."

Jack's eyes darkened with concern, his voice gentle. "I'm so sorry you went through that, YNN."

YN offered a small smile, appreciating his empathy. "Thank you. It was tough, but it made me realize that I needed a fresh start. I needed to put distance between myself and that situation."

Jack nodded, letting her continue.

"So, I decided to come to Washington to attend school. It was a way for me to escape, to find a new beginning. And as luck would have it, I ended up studying at the Jeffersonian and eventually got the opportunity to work under Angela."

Jack's eyes lit up with realization. "Angela? My Angela?"

YN chuckled, nodding. "Yes, your Angela. She's been an amazing mentor and friend."

Jack grinned, his affection for his wife evident. "Well, she has a way of doing that."

YN's smile turned wistful. "I didn't leave my hometown because of that guy, but he's the reason I never went back. I wanted to leave that chapter behind and create a life for myself where I felt safe and empowered."

Jack reached across the table and placed his hand over YN's. "You're incredibly strong, YNN. I'm glad you found your way here."

YN squeezed his hand, her eyes grateful as she met his gaze. "And I'm grateful for friends like you, Jack. You and the rest of the team at the Jeffersonian have become my family."

Jack's smile was warm and genuine. "That's what we are, YNN. A quirky, science-loving family."

They sat in a comfortable silence for a moment, the weight of YN's story mingling with their shared understanding.

As they finished their lunch and prepared to head back to the lab, Jack grinned mischievously. "You know, YNN, if you ever decide you miss your hometown, you've got a bunch of quirky friends who've got your back."

YN laughed, a genuine and heartfelt sound. "I know, Jack. And that's more than enough reason to stay right here."

After their heartfelt conversation over lunch, Jack and YN made their way back to the Jeffersonian, their camaraderie a comforting presence as they walked through the familiar halls. As they entered the lab, Angela was busy at her workstation, engrossed in a set of skeletal reconstructions.

"Hey, Angela," YN greeted, a warm smile on her face.

Angela looked up and her eyes lit up with genuine pleasure. "YN, Jack, you're back! How was lunch?"

Jack chimed in with a playful grin. "Oh, you know, just bonding over coffee and stories of stalking exes."

YN nudged him playfully. "Don't make it sound too dramatic."

Angela chuckled and got up from her desk, giving YN a hug and offering Jack a playful peck on the cheek. "Well, stalking exes aside, I'm glad you two had a good lunch."

YN's eyes twinkled mischievously. "You know, Angela, Jack here has quite the knack for storytelling. He should consider a career change to romance novels."

Jack rolled his eyes in mock exasperation. "Oh, sure. Because the world needs more novels about bug explosions and slimy substances."

They all shared a good-natured laugh, the easy banter a testament to their close-knit bond.

Angela turned her attention to YN. "So, YNN, are you ready to tackle those facial reconstructions?"

YN nodded, her excitement evident. "Definitely. I've been looking forward to it."

As they moved to Angela's workstation, Angela explained the details of the reconstruction they were about to work on, reminding YN of how to go through the intricate process. As the two of them got to work, Jack stood nearby, offering the occasional comment or suggestion.

"You're a natural at this, YNN," Angela praised as they fine-tuned the features of the digital model.

YN smiled, her focus on the screen. "Thanks, Angela. I've always found it fascinating how these reconstructions bring history to life."

Jack leaned in, studying the reconstruction. "It's like piecing together a puzzle from the past."

Angela nodded in agreement. "Exactly. And each detail we add helps us tell the story of the person behind these remains."

As the afternoon progressed, YN's collaboration with Angela continued seamlessly, the two women working together with a shared sense of purpose and creativity. Jack occasionally joined in with his own insights, and the lab echoed with the hum of camaraderie.

As they wrapped up their work, Angela turned to YN with a smile. "Wow, this is great, YN. Your dedication and passion shine through in everything you do."

YN felt a warm glow of gratitude. "Thank you, Angela. Working with you and everyone else here has been an incredible experience."

Jack added with a grin, "Yeah, and we promise not to make you the main character in our bug explosion romance novel."

YN laughed, feeling a sense of belonging that went beyond friendship—it was a feeling of being part of a family that understood and supported each other.

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