Job Offer - Ryan Wolfe

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YN stood outside of Horatio's office, clutching the letter offering her a job in the Orlando CSI division in her hand. This letter held the possible opportunity to further her career in a field she had dedicated her life to as well as being closer to her family. But as she lingered on the thought of taking the job, she couldn't help but feel like this was a goodbye to the place she had grown to know as her home and the people that had become more than coworkers but her family away from her own. This was why she had to talk to someone and the only one with the most logical course of thinking was H.

Taking a deep breath, the YHC haired girl knocked on the office door. "Come in." said his voice as it resonated through the glass. As she entered, YNN found Horatio engrossed in a pile of paperwork. He glanced up and once he noticed it was her, he gave her a small smile. "YN, what can I do for you?"

YN took a seat in one of the chairs across from him at his desk and laid the letter in front of him. He then opened it, reading the words before him and then looked up at the young investigator sitting at his desk. "I received that in the mail at the beginning of the week," she explained with a tinge of uncertainty riddled within her voice. "Though I don't know if it was my father's doing to try and get me to come home or if I've been that noticed, but it's a fantastic opportunity none-the-less. I can't help to feel torn."

Lieutenant Caine leaned back in his seat; his piercing gaze fixed on the young detective. "What's holding you back?" he questioned. "Father's pull or not something else has kept you from taking this offer the moment you read the words on this piece of paper."

"To be honest with you, H, I don't know." she confessed. "Miami has been my home for almost 5 years. The team has become a second family to me. But I know I haven't gotten to see my actual family as much as I or they would like and taking this job would change that."

Horatio nodded, understanding the dilemma she had found herself in. "Family is important. It's what grounds us, what keeps us connected to who we are. But I can see why this decision would weigh so much on you." He said and leaned onto his elbows that rested on the desk in front of him. "But I do remember what you told me when you were first hired on, the reasoning you left there in the first place."

YN nodded, knowing exactly what he was speaking of. She had just moved down to the area after working for the city of Orlando for three years. It was the fresh start she had always wanted, and she was happy with the way her life had panned out since deciding to come south. Now she had considered going back to the place that she wanted to get away and stay away from.

As their conversation continued, Ryan Wolfe, who had been passing Lieutenant Caine's office, overheard snippets of what they were talking about. His curiosity piqued at the sounds of the conversating, so he stopped in his tracks and leaned against a nearby wall to listen in.

When YN and Horatio had stopped talking, Ryan continued on his way. He didn't know how to feel. YN was one of his closest friends, they were partners. Knowing that she might leave hurt him, but he knew that her family was important to her too.

YN managed to catch up with him a few moments later. "Hey, Ryan," she said with her signature smile. "Mind on taking a ride with me? Got a lead on Tavers."

"Sure thing." he said as he fell into step beside her. "So, might be going back to Orlando, huh?" The girl beside him only nodded, not knowing what to say since she hadn't known he was listening. "What did H tell you?"

YNN looked over at him with uncertainty. "He understands why I'm willing to leave and why I'm wanting to stay but his advice was that family is important and whichever family I do decide to stay with, the other should be able to accept it and move on. And though I know that my parents, mainly my father, won't do that and you all will, it's still a hard decision to make." she confessed her gaze fixed on the ground as they walked together.

Ryan nodded. "He's right, you know. Being closer to your family is important. Reason number one why you should take the job."

YN's heart skipped a beat at his words. This coming from Ryan, of all people, gave her the biggest shock. He had been her partner and best friend since she had joined the CSI team. He had always shown her kindness and support in all her endeavors. But when it came to leaving Miami, it was a shock.

"I wasn't expecting that coming from you, to be honest." she admits as she looked up at him. "But I agree, I just can't help but feel sad thinking about leaving everyone here behind. That includes you. Especially you."

Detective Wolfe met her gaze with complete sincerity. "YNN, look, friendships don't just end because distance separates us. No number of miles between us can change that we've been through so much together and have vowed to each other to be there throughout whatever challenges us next." he said and grabbed her hand. "Besides a four-hour drive isn't going to kill us every other weekend."

YN looked up at him with an amused look on her face. "Every other weekend, huh?"

Ryan grinned. "Oh, you thought I was going to let you just go and not see you on occasion? That's funny."

As they made their way out to the Hummer, YN couldn't help but still feel sad at the thought of leaving but the talks with Horatio and Ryan did help. She knew whatever path she took they and the rest of the team would back her up a hundred percent. But she wondered what she wondered what her dad would say when she told him she wasn't going to take that job.

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