Pretend Dates - Eric Delko

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The sun hung low in the Miami sky as YN and Ryan Wolfe arrived at their family's gathering. It had been a while since they'd all come together like this, and the warmth of familiarity mixed with a tinge of nervousness as they walked hand in hand.

As they approached the entrance, YN gave Ryan a quick, reassuring smile. They stepped into the event, greeted by a sea of relatives, all eager to catch up and ask questions.

"YN! Ryan!" their cousin Melissa exclaimed, swooping in for a hug. "It's been forever!"

Ryan grinned and hugged her back. "Yeah, it has. Good to see you, Mel."

YN exchanged pleasantries with various family members, the conversation swirling around recent events, jobs, and life in general. But as the night wore on, YN could feel the curious eyes of their family members on her. She knew the question was coming.

"So, YNN, still flying solo?" her aunt Maria asked, a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

YN's cheeks tinged with a blush, and she glanced at Ryan for moral support. "Um, well..."

Just then, Eric Delko, her close friend and colleague, appeared at her side, his smile easygoing. "Hey, YNN. Sorry I'm late."

YN's eyes met Ryan's, and they shared an unspoken understanding. She turned to face her aunt. "Actually, Aunt Maria, I'd like you to meet Eric. He's my date for the night."

Aunt Maria's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Oh! Well, isn't that lovely."

YN's hand found Eric's arm, and she gave him a grateful look. He played along seamlessly, offering his hand to Aunt Maria.

"Nice to meet you, ma'am. I've heard a lot about your wonderful family."

Aunt Maria beamed, her curiosity seemingly satisfied. "Well, we're a lively bunch, that's for sure."

As the night continued, YN and Eric played their roles well, sharing stories, laughter, and even a few casual touches that added authenticity to their charade. YN's family seemed pleased with the situation, their questioning looks replaced with knowing smiles.

"You're a lifesaver, Eric," YN whispered to him as they found a quiet moment by the bar.

Eric grinned, his blue eyes twinkling. "Anything for my favorite co-worker's sibling. Besides, you owe me a coffee for this."

YN chuckled, her heart warmed by his willingness to step in and help. "Deal."

As the night drew to a close, YN felt a sense of contentment wash over her. Her family was happy, and the evening had been a success, thanks in no small part to Eric's support.

Ryan joined her side, his own date having excused herself earlier. He nudged her playfully. "You know, this whole fake dating thing might become a tradition."

YN rolled her eyes, but her smile was genuine. "Don't push your luck, big brother."

As the evening winded down and the crowd began to disperse, YN found herself sitting on a quiet corner of the patio with Eric. The gentle hum of conversation and the twinkling lights created a serene atmosphere, giving them a moment of respite from the lively family gathering.

"Thanks again, Eric," YN said, her voice soft as she looked at him. "You really saved me back there."

Eric leaned back in his chair, a playful grin on his face. "Well, I'm glad I could help, even if it means I'm now forever known as your 'fake date'."

YN chuckled, her gaze warm. "Honestly, I don't know what I would have done without you."

Eric's expression softened, his gaze holding hers. "YNN, you know you can count on me, right? No matter what."

Her heart skipped a beat at his sincerity. She had always admired Eric's loyalty and caring nature, but tonight had shown her a new depth to their friendship. "I do, Eric. And I hope you know the same goes for you."

As they sat there, their conversation shifted from light banter to more personal topics. They talked about their aspirations, their pasts, and the shared experiences that had brought them closer as friends and colleagues. YN found herself opening up in ways she hadn't expected, a sense of ease settling between them.

"I've always been impressed by your dedication and strength, YNN," Eric admitted, his eyes locked onto hers. "You've been through a lot, yet you still keep pushing forward."

YN looked down at her hands, a soft smile on her lips. "I guess I've learned that life's challenges can shape you into someone stronger, even if it doesn't always feel that way."

Eric reached across the table, his fingers gently lifting her chin so she met his gaze. "You're stronger than you give yourself credit for."

Their eyes locked, and in that moment, the connection between them felt deeper than friendship. It was a bond that had grown through shared experiences, trust, and a genuine understanding of each other's strengths and vulnerabilities.

The night grew quieter around them, the air filled with a sense of serenity and possibility. As they continued talking, YN realized that sometimes the people who entered your life as friends could become something more, something unexpected and beautiful.

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