Unnoticed - Marty Deeks

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I always thought that growing up with an older brother like Marty Deeks would mean constant attention and interference in my life. After all, that's what older brothers are known for, right? But as I stand here, watching him from a distance, the worst part is that he didn't even notice.

Kensi Blye, his partner at NCIS, walks over to me, her eyes following the same gaze I have fixed on Marty. "You okay, YN?" she asks, her concern genuine.

I force a smile and nod. "Yeah, just reminiscing, you know?"

She gives me a knowing look, as if she understands more than she lets on. "Siblings can be a handful," she says, her voice soft.

"You have no idea," I mutter under my breath, but Kensi hears it.

"Try me," she challenges, her eyes glinting with curiosity.

I take a deep breath, wondering if sharing this piece of my life would make any difference. "Marty and I... we didn't always get along. Classic sibling rivalry, I guess. He'd tease me endlessly, and I'd find ways to get back at him." I pause, a bittersweet smile tugging at the corner of my lips. "But the thing is, he never really noticed how much those little things meant to me. How much he meant to me."

Kensi watches me intently, her understanding gaze encouraging me to continue.

"Take the time he stole my favorite toy when we were kids," I say with a chuckle. "I was so mad at him, I refused to talk to him for days. And what did he do? He left a note under my pillow, apologizing and promising to give it back. It wasn't just the toy; it was the fact that he cared enough to make things right."

"That sounds like a big brother trying to make amends," Kensi remarks.

I nod, a wistful expression on my face. "Exactly. But even through all the bickering and pranks, there were moments when he showed his protective side. Like the time he confronted a boy who was giving me a hard time at school. He acted like it was no big deal, but I knew he had my back."

Kensi smiles warmly. "Sounds like you two have a deeper bond than you realize."

"That's just it," I sigh. "He doesn't realize. The worst part is he didn't even notice when things started changing. When the teasing turned into genuine conversations, and the pranks turned into shared jokes. He didn't notice when he became someone I looked up to, someone I admired."

Kensi's gaze shifts back to Marty, who is engrossed in a conversation with another agent. "People don't always see the impact they have on others," she says softly. "But it doesn't mean that impact isn't there."

I watch Marty for a moment longer before turning back to Kensi. "Thanks for listening, Kensi."

"Anytime, YN," she replies with a reassuring smile. "And who knows, maybe one day he'll notice too."

I can only hope. Because as much as I love giving him a hard time about it, the truth is, my brother Marty Deeks means the world to me. And I'll keep cherishing those unnoticed moments that shaped our bond, hoping that one day, he'll see them too.

As Kensi's words linger in the air, another figure emerges from the bustling crowd at the NCIS office – G. Callen. He walks over to us with that characteristic air of mystery that surrounds him.

"Hey, what's the topic of discussion here?" Callen asks with a half-smile, clearly intrigued by our hushed conversation.

Kensi glances at me briefly, as if gauging whether I'm comfortable sharing. I take a deep breath, deciding to open up a little more. "We were talking about siblings, specifically my relationship with Marty," I say, looking up at Callen.

"Ah, the Deeks dynamic," Callen chuckles, leaning against a nearby desk. "You know, he used to be quite the lone wolf, but ever since he joined the team, he's softened up."

Kensi nods, her eyes shifting between Callen and me.

"Softened up? That's an understatement," I say, a hint of amusement in my voice. "He's still the same old Marty, but he's become more... open, I guess."

Callen raises an eyebrow. "Open? That's not an adjective I'd readily associate with Deeks."

I chuckle, appreciating the camaraderie of this moment. "You'd be surprised. He might not show it in the most conventional ways, but he's there when it counts."

Kensi chimes in, "YN was just telling me about some of the unnoticed moments that shaped their bond."

Callen's eyes soften, a hint of nostalgia flashing through them. "Unnoticed moments, huh? Those are the ones that often matter the most."

I nod in agreement, grateful for their understanding. "Exactly. Like the time he helped me with my math homework, even though he pretended he was doing it just to annoy me."

Callen chuckles. "Classic big brother move. And I bet he didn't want any credit for it."

"He didn't," I confirm, smiling at the memory. "Or the way he stood up for me when people made fun of my interests. He had this way of silently letting them know he wouldn't tolerate it."

Kensi glances at Callen, her eyes shining with something akin to pride. "Sounds like Marty's been quite the role model."

"He has," I admit, my gaze drifting over to where Marty is still engrossed in conversation.

Callen pushes away from the desk and stands up straight. "Well, I think it's about time we make sure he notices."

Kensi and I exchange surprised glances, and Callen's mischievous grin tells us he's up to something.

"What do you have in mind?" I ask cautiously.

Callen winks. "Let's just say I have a knack for orchestrating memorable moments."

And before I can protest, Callen saunters over to Marty and begins a conversation that I can't quite hear from where I stand. A few moments later, Callen gestures for Marty to turn around.

Marty's gaze locks onto me, and a puzzled expression crosses his face as he notices my presence. Callen grins and discreetly walks away, leaving the two of us alone.

Marty approaches, a crooked smile on his lips. "Hey, sis. What's going on?"

I take a deep breath, suddenly feeling a bit nervous. "I just wanted to let you know, Marty, that the worst part is you didn't even notice."

Marty's brows furrow, confusion evident on his face. "Notice what?"

I glance back at Kensi and Callen, who are watching us with knowing smiles. Then I turn back to Marty and offer him a sincere smile. "Notice that all those unnoticed moments, the teasing, the protectiveness, the unspoken support – they all mean the world to me. You mean the world to me."

Marty's expression softens, a mix of surprise and warmth in his eyes. "YN, I..."

I hold up a hand, cutting him off. "You don't have to say anything, Marty. I just wanted you to know."

He hesitates for a moment before pulling me into a hug, the kind that says more than words ever could.

As we stand there, wrapped in each other's embrace, I realize that maybe, just maybe, some unnoticed bonds are stronger than they seem. And as Callen and Kensi exchange a triumphant look in the background, I can't help but feel grateful for their intervention – for giving me the courage to make sure Marty finally notices what's been there all along.

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