The Liason Pt2 - Marty Deeks

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In ops, the team briefed YN in on everything they had Beaumont. Every lead they have hit, known whereabouts, the slightest bit of background information they had on the man, they made her aware of it all. As they spoke, the YEC eyed girl made notes of anything she may have thought would help her out. She added it all to the other things she had found out while on the plane. The young agent pulled out her tablet and started drawing lines on a map to signify the places that the team knew had been in one color and other places she had found him pop up under alliances in another.

After mapping out his known whereabouts, she looked up at everyone around her. "It's clear to me that Beaumont has been using at least some of his training to stay off the grid as much as possible. But what he hasn't been using it for is nourishment. His wife's atm card has been flagged multiple times within the last few weeks at several grocery stores in the surrounding area. Didn't you all say that Johanna said she lost her card a few weeks prior?"

Callen nodded. "Said she lost it in the car after a girls night. It was in her back pocket when she got in the vehicle but not when she got out, and she has had to use their credit card for all the purchases she's made in the last few weeks leading up to Sebastian's run."

"You're thinking Beaumont is using her card to make it seem like she found it again." Sam says as he looks over the bank reports and pinged area that YN had put on the big screen.

"It's a possibility. I've seen it done quite a few times. Someone up and runs off from their big problems but before doing so they take the extra money their significant other has laying around or their bank card a week or so beforehand. Often, they help them look for it just to make themselves feel better. The unknowing party involved doesn't usually catch on to it until days or weeks later. By that time, the suspect has all they need." she added as she quickly typed on her tablet. "My brother always says when in doubt, follow the money. It'll take some time to get into the actual store records even with a phone call, but from what I'm seeing here, the lieutenant likes to frequent one store in particular."

Kensi moves closer to the screen to get a closer look. "Looks like we have a good place to start."

YNN nods. "I do suggest starting with a base radius of ten miles surrounding the store though. It's not that far away from Angeles National Forest. He's got a lot of ground to fit into like some sort of gopher."

Deeks looked over at his team members in awe. "It still surprises me that she can catch on to the littlest details they we seem to overlook."

"In your defense, most people don't think to look deep into the significant other's personal records if the surface is as spotless as Johanna Beaumont's. The girl was never the suspect, just her bank account." the YHC haired girl said as she looked over at her boyfriend.

The next week felt like a blur for the LA team as they began to compile more information on where Beaumont was thanks to YN's help. They seemingly had made more progress in the small amount of time the girl was there than they had when she wasn't there at all. Just as she had suggested, they had followed the money trail from Mrs. Beaumont's bank card. The store it was mostly used in had no issues handing the surveillance footage over.

After that, the team scoured high and low throughout a ten-mile radius of the store and eventually found an abandoned shack about five miles from any civilization. After staking out the place for hours, they found Lieutenant Beaumont stalking back with handfuls of wood for a fire. Callen and Deeks chanced Beaumont through the forest for twenty minutes before Marty was able to tackle the former navy man to the ground and apprehend him.

As the sun set, casting hues of oranges and pinks across the sky, YN and Marty sat side by side with their feet resting in the warm sand, watching the waves as they crashed onto the shore. The couple sat there enjoying the serene beauty of the moment. Something they hadn't gotten to do in a long time.

Deeks turned to YN with his heart pounding in his chest with a mixture of nervousness and excitement. "Hey, YNN, I've been thinking, right?"

She turned to look at him as he spoke, "What have you been thinking about?"

The blonde-haired man reached into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box that he has carried around with him for weeks leading up to her next arrival. He stood up from his spot on the rock they had been sitting on and pulled her up with him. "With everything we've been through together from the distances and the dangers of our jobs, it's hard to even picture what life would have been without knowing you in the slightest. Got me thinking that I would never want to imagine my life without you being a big part of it like you are now."

Deeks knelt down on one knee in front of her, looking up into the depth of YN's YEC eyes. "I can't offer you much, but what I can offer is everything I've got. YN DiNozzo, will you marry me?"

Tears welled up in the young girl's eyes as she looked down at the man she loved. She nodded and her voice filled with emotion. "Yes, Marty. Oh god, a thousand times yes." she exclaimed as she leaned down grabbing his face and placing a love-filled kiss onto his lips.

Marty stood up and gently placed the ring upon her finger with a grand smile on his face. As he did so the sound of applause boomed from behind the sand dunes and rocks that they stood in front of. YN turned in her spot in the sand to see all members from both LA and DC teams standing there watching with smiles as big as the one she had on their faces and all beaming with joy.

"Tell no one, huh?" she said back to Marty.

He looked down at his feet and had a sly grin on his face. "This kind of thing just would not have felt right without our family present.

McGee, Ziva, and Gibbs stood side by side with Callen, Sam, Kensi, Hetty, Eric and Nel as they walked over to congratulate the newly engaged couple. The two of them were overwhelmed with love and happiness as they watched their friends and colleagues move closer. But as they gathered around them YN noticed that there was somebody missing. Gibbs knew who she was looking for and motioned with his head behind them.

The girl directed her YEC eyes in the direction her mentor had motioned to and there she found her older brother down the beach aways, watching as everything happened. She could just slightly make out the smile on his face. YNN let go of Deeks' hand and slipped away from the crowd, but she could still feel all eyes on her as she made her way towards Tony.

The older DiNozzo sibling met his younger sister halfway, the smile on his face ever growing as he made his way over to her. "Look at you, YNN. I don't think being engaged has ever made anyone look more beautiful and happier as it does on you." he said as he pulled his sister into his embrace. "Congratulations, kiddo."

YN's smile grew as she returned the hug that Tony was giving her. "How long have you known he was going to propose?" she questioned.

Tony rocked his head back and forth feigning thought. "A month give or take." He finally admitted as the two of them made their way back to the group about fifty yards away from them. "Called me and said he would much rather have my blessing than dad's and to be honest I don't blame the guy."

"Oh, neither do I." YN said and shook her head. "Last I heard the man was off in London with Melinda."

"See that just shows you talk to the old man way more than I do." he said with a slight chuckle.

"I didn't talk to him. I heard that from Aunt Sherri." the younger one admits with a small laugh of her own as they walked up on the group of people.

With an amused look on his face, Tony shook Deeks' hand and said, "Welcome to the family, brother. All I ask is that you take care of her."

Deeks gently pulled his now fiancé back over to him with a smile on his face. "Wouldn't dream of ever doing the opposite. She means the world to me."

The older DiNozzo nodded. "I know the feeling."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a beautiful warm orange glow over the beach and YN stood there with the people she was more than happy to call her family, she was grateful that she was able to share these moments with the people she loved. She knew that she would never have been able to make it this far without them by her side every step of the way. She was beyond thankful for every single one of them and having them there with her to celebrate a special moment between her and Deeks was just the cherry on top.

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