Surprise - Chris LaSalle

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YN YLN had always cherished her friendship with Christopher LaSalle. They had met during their college days and had bonded instantly. Despite the miles that separated them when she moved to Alabama, their connection remained unbreakable. So, when she found herself with a few days off work, she decided it was high time to pay LaSalle a surprise visit in New Orleans.

Stepping into the NCIS office, YN's heart raced with anticipation. She scanned the bustling room, searching for LaSalle's familiar face. Suddenly, his voice cut through the noise.

"Brody, you won't believe what happened last week!"

YN's heart skipped a beat. There he was, his animated expression captivating everyone around him. She took a deep breath and approached him.

"LaSalle," she said, her voice laced with excitement.

He turned towards her, his eyes widening in surprise. "YNN? No way! What are you doing here?"

YN beamed, unable to contain her grin. "Surprise, surprise! I thought I'd drop by and catch up. Is this a bad time?"

LaSalle shook his head, a warm smile spreading across his face. "Never a bad time for an old friend. I can't believe you're here!"

He wrapped her in a tight hug, and YN felt like no time had passed at all. As they pulled apart, LaSalle studied her with a playful glint in his eyes.

"You're sneaky, you know that?"

YN chuckled. "Well, I wanted to see the look on your face."

They settled into a quiet corner of the office, surrounded by the hum of activity. YN listened intently as LaSalle filled her in on his latest cases, his eyes lighting up with every detail.

"And then, Pride was like, 'LaSalle, you've got to see this!' And I couldn't believe my eyes," he recounted, his excitement contagious.

YN laughed. "Some things never change, huh?"

LaSalle grinned. "True that."

As they chatted about their lives since they last saw each other, YN realized how much she had missed these conversations. They had always been able to talk about anything and everything, and that hadn't changed.

After a while, LaSalle leaned back in his chair, his expression turning thoughtful. "Remember that pact we made back in college?"

YN raised an eyebrow. "The one about always staying true to ourselves?"

LaSalle nodded. "Yeah, that's the one. It's a promise I don't intend on breaking."

YN smiled, her heart warmed by his words. "You've kept it so far."

LaSalle's eyes met hers, and for a moment, they shared a deep understanding that words couldn't fully capture.

With lunchtime approaching, LaSalle suggested they head out to a nearby restaurant to continue their catch-up. They strolled through the vibrant streets of New Orleans, the city's energy matching their own excitement.

Over a leisurely meal, they reminisced about their college shenanigans and shared stories of their separate lives. YN talked about her work in Alabama, and LaSalle recounted his latest adventures in the Big Easy.

"You always did have a knack for getting into interesting situations," YN teased.

LaSalle laughed. "Hey, it keeps life exciting!"

As the conversation flowed, YN felt a sense of contentment settle over her. It was as if they had picked up right where they left off, their bond stronger than ever.

As they sipped on their drinks, LaSalle's expression turned sincere. "You know, YNN, having you here reminds me of the good ol' days. Life gets busy, but I've missed having you around."

YN reached across the table and placed her hand on his. "I've missed you too, Chris. But no matter where life takes us, our friendship will always be there."

LaSalle smiled, a hint of nostalgia in his eyes. "It's a promise I don't intend on breaking."

The afternoon turned to evening, and YN knew it was time to head back to her hotel. As they stood on the sidewalk, LaSalle pulled her into one last hug.

"Thanks for coming all this way, YN. This has been the best surprise."

YN hugged him back, feeling grateful for the enduring friendship they shared. "Anytime, Chris. Let's not let so much time pass before we see each other again."

With a final wave, YN walked away, her heart full of happiness. She knew that no matter the distance, their friendship was unbreakable.

The following day, YN decided to continue her exploration of the city while LaSalle was back at work. She wandered through the lively French Quarter, captivated by the history and energy of the place. As she turned a corner onto a quieter street, her heart suddenly froze at the sound of rapid gunfire nearby.

Instinctively, YN ducked behind a building, her breath catching in her throat. Panic surged through her as she tried to process what was happening. She fumbled for her phone, her trembling fingers dialing LaSalle's number.

"Come on, Chris, pick up," she muttered under her breath.

After a few tense rings, his voice finally broke through. "Hey, YNN, what's up?"

YN's voice wavered as she spoke. "Chris, there are gunshots... I'm really scared."

LaSalle's voice turned urgent. "YN, are you okay? Tell me where you are."

YN quickly described her surroundings, her heart racing as she tried to stay as calm as possible. Just as she was about to hang up, she heard another voice in the background.

"LaSalle, what's going on?" Pride's voice came through.

YN's heart leaped at the sound. It seemed that she wasn't alone in this terrifying situation. She continued to listen, the anxiety gnawing at her.

"I got a call from YNN. She's hearing gunshots close to her," LaSalle explained to Pride.

YN heard Pride's firm response. "Alright, we're on our way. Keep her on the line, LaSalle."

YN clung to the phone, grateful for the lifeline of connection to her friends. The minutes felt like hours as she waited for help to arrive. Suddenly, she heard hurried footsteps approaching, and LaSalle's familiar voice was soon accompanied by Pride's.

"YN, can you hear us?" Pride's voice was reassuring, and YN nodded even though they couldn't see her.

A moment later, LaSalle and Pride rounded the corner, their expressions filled with concern. YN rushed toward them, her relief palpable.

"YNN, you're safe now," Pride said, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

LaSalle offered her a gentle smile. "Yeah, we've got you."

Just then, Brody appeared, her expression worried. "YNN, are you alright?"

YN nodded, her voice a bit steadier now. "Yeah, thanks to you guys."

As they started to move away from the area of danger, YN felt a wave of gratitude wash over her. She looked at the faces of LaSalle, Pride, and Brody, and she realized how fortunate she was to have such friends by her side.

Pride looked at her with a kind smile. "You did the right thing by calling us. We're here to keep you safe."

LaSalle nodded in agreement. "Absolutely, YN. You can count on us."

YN managed a small smile, overwhelmed by the support she had received. In that moment, surrounded by the chaos of the city, she knew that her friendship with LaSalle, Pride, and Brody was something truly special - a bond that could withstand any challenge, even the sound of gunfire.

As they walked away from the scene, YN clung to that feeling of safety and camaraderie, grateful for the friends who had proven, once again, that their promise was one they truly didn't intend on breaking.

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