The Liason Pt1 - Marty Deeks

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As a liaison between branches of NCIS, YN DiNozzo floated between the different regions of the country when they were in need of the services and expertise that she provided. As she stepped off the plane at LAX, she couldn't help but feel excited to be back in Los Angeles. It had felt like forever since she had been back in the city. But what made it hard was it had been that long since she had gotten to see her boyfriend, Marty. Deeks and the DiNozzo girl have been in a long-distance relationship for about a year now and only a select few people knew, that included her older brother, Tony.

As YNN made her way through the bustling airport, she couldn't help but feel as if something big was going to happen during her time here. She didn't know much about the assignment Vance had sent her on, he was very vague about the details. He believed that YN's unique skills were what the LA team needed to catch Sebastian Beaumont who had managed to elude them for months.

Once outside the airport, she spotted her blonde headed boyfriend standing there waiting for her with a wide grin planted on his face. The girl couldn't hold back from running over to him with a smile lighting up her face as she did so.

"My god, Marty," she said, her voice filled with affection as she stood there in his arms as he held her tightly to him. "I've missed you so damn much. The phone calls, texts, and video chats are all great but just not enough."

"I've miss you just as much, babe, so I know the feeling." Deeks replied, his voice warmed her soul as his word flooded her ears. "But we can't get into the mushy parts just yet. We've got work to do. Time to spread your magic on it, Babygirl."

The YHC haired girl nodded, reluctantly pulling away from her boyfriend's embrace. She knew he was right. She was here to get the job done and Director Vance was counting on her to do so. There was work to be done and YN was more than ready to dive in.

Callen and Sam sat at their desks at the NCIS Los Angeles office, reviewing the latest information they were able to collect on Beaumont, a former Navy service member that had gone rogue after killing a couple of his former platoon members in a deadly act of betrayal. They had gotten no closer to catching this guy now than they were a month ago. It seemed like Beaumont was always one step ahead of them no matter their move.

The two of them both turned when they heard the office doors open wide and in walked Deeks with YN not far behind. The smiles that grew on their faces grew wider with every step the pair took towards them.

"Well, as I live and breathe," G said as he stood from his seat. "YN DiNozzo, otherwise known as the girl who never learned to pick up the phone."

YNN giggled slightly as she walked up to the blue-eyed man. "Now G, we both know that isn't true. You just don't answer when I do call. That's why I always end up calling Sam." She states as she gave him a hug then moved over to hug Agent Hanna next.

"Mhmm, see, even she knows what's up." Sam said as he wrapped his arms around her tightly. "So, what's brought our girl back to the west coast? By your attire you're not here to enjoy the beach."

"Got that bathing suit in my bag though, so the beach is on the check list." the YHC haired girl replied with another giggle which made all the guys laugh. "But, no, not here just for the beach, unfortunately enough. Vance sent me, hoping I could help y'all find this Sebastian Beaumont character. He said I had a knack for finding those that don't wish to be found."

"Miss DiNozzo, I hope you're ready for this one. You might have met your match." Came the voice of Henrietta Lange from behind agents Callen and Hanna. A smile that matched everyone else's plastered on her face. "Though I do believe your skills cannot be topped, Lieutenant Beaumont is a master hider."

"If it's a game of hide and go seek he wants to play then I'm always down to be the seeker." YN walks over to the woman who had helped her a great deal when she had first started out in NCIS, leaning down and giving her a hug as well. "It's been too long, Hetty."

"I agree, Miss DiNozzo. Last time we spoke you were heading an operation in the middle of Dubai, I believe." Hetty said as she returned the favor.

Once YNN had stood up straight once more, she shrugged playfully, "It was Cairo, but who's keeping track anyway?"

"I think Deeks is, actually." said the voice of Agent Kensi Blye for on top of the stair heading towards Ops. "Keeps a little map going under his keyboard and marks all the places you've been to. It's kind of cute actually." she says as she walked down the stairs and straight to her best friend to give her a hug.

"I do not." Marty speaks up for the first time since they arrived at HQ. Kensi and YNN both looked back at him with complete disbelief in their eyes. "Okay, maybe I do but, in my defense, I'm living vicariously through you at the moment." He defended as he points to himself. "It's hard not to when you've been to France, Jordan, Egypt, and Bolivia just this year alone. The girl travels and I live for the stories she tells."

YN nodded at his statement. "I believe it." She said with a smile knowing that her boyfriend was doing much more than just living through her stories. YNN knew the real reason he kept track of her, it was the same reason Tony did. They wanted to know where she was just in case, she was the one that needed to be tracked instead of the one doing the tracking. But she would never say anything to anyone else.

"But I'm here now and ready to roll." YN claps her hands together and raises her eyebrows. "So, lead the way?" With that, Callen and Sam lead the way up to ops to begin debriefing her into all they know on Lieutenant Sebastian Beaumont.

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