Family Moment - Derek Morgan

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YN stood in the bustling kitchen, her hands busy chopping vegetables for dinner. The savory aroma of simmering sauce filled the air as she worked, the clatter of pots and pans creating a rhythmic symphony. Her focus was absolute, her movements efficient, but there was a lightness to her step that hadn't been there before.

"You look happier," Derek Morgan's voice came from behind her, warm and teasing.

She turned to him, a playful glint in her eyes. "Do I? Maybe it's the secret ingredient I'm adding to the sauce."

Derek chuckled, crossing his arms as he leaned against the counter. "Secret ingredient, huh? You know you can't keep secrets from me, YNN."

She grinned, her knife skillfully slicing through the vegetables. "Oh, I think I can manage to keep a few."

From the living room, the soft patter of feet heralded the arrival of their children. Emily and Liam rushed into the kitchen, their laughter filling the space. Derek straightened up as they approached, opening his arms to embrace them.

"Hey there, you two troublemakers," he said, his deep voice laced with affection.

"Daddy, guess what?" Emily's eyes sparkled with excitement.

Derek raised an eyebrow. "What's up, princess?"

"We found the old photo albums in the attic!" Liam announced proudly. "Mommy was looking at pictures from when she was young."

YN smiled at her children, wiping her hands on a kitchen towel before crouching down to their level. "That's right. We were just reminiscing."

"Daddy, you have to see Mommy's funny hairstyles!" Emily giggled, her fingers mimicking wild curls around her head.

Derek chuckled. "Oh, I've seen those pictures. Your mom was a trendsetter."

YN playfully swatted his arm. "Oh, hush."

Liam tugged at Derek's sleeve. "Daddy, can you help me build that Lego castle you promised?"

Derek ruffled Liam's hair. "You bet. Let's build a masterpiece."

As Derek and the kids headed toward the living room, YN watched them go, her heart brimming with gratitude. This was the life she had always dreamed of—a loving family, a partner who understood and supported her, and children who brought joy into every corner of their home.

"You coming, YNN?" Derek called back.

YN nodded, her smile radiant. She took one last look around the kitchen, at the pots simmering on the stove and the table set for a cozy family dinner. In this moment, surrounded by love and laughter, she realized just how truly happy she was.

With a contented sigh, YN followed the sounds of her family, ready to embrace the warmth and togetherness that filled their home.

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