Good Enough - Jay Halstead

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I leaned against the balcony railing, staring out at the cityscape of Chicago, lost in my thoughts. The soft hum of the city below provided a backdrop to the whirlwind of emotions inside me. Beside me, YN stood, her presence a soothing balm to the storm in my mind. We'd been through so much together, the ups and downs of life in the Chicago PD, but sometimes, that sense of camaraderie felt fragile, like it could slip through my fingers at any moment.

YN glanced at me, her blue eyes filled with concern. "Jay, you've been quiet all evening. Something's bothering you."

I shook my head, struggling to find the right words. "It's just... Sometimes I feel like no matter how hard I try, it's never enough. There's always something more I should be doing, something better I could be."

She sighed softly, her hand touching my arm in a comforting gesture. "Jay, you're one of the best cops I know. You're dedicated, skilled, and you genuinely care about making a difference. But you can't carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. None of us can."

I met her gaze, a mixture of gratitude and frustration swirling within me. "I know, YN. It's just that sometimes, it feels like Voight expects more from me. Like he's waiting for me to slip up."

YN leaned against the railing, her expression thoughtful. "Voight's a tough boss, no doubt about that. But I've seen the way he looks at you, Jay. It's not disappointment; it's a challenge. He sees your potential, and he's pushing you to reach it."

I ran a hand through my hair, letting out a sigh. "I appreciate that he believes in me, but it's hard. The pressure..."

"You're not alone in this, Jay," YN said firmly. "You've got me, and you've got the team. We've got your back, always."

I turned to her, a small smile tugging at the corner of my lips. "I'm grateful for that, YNN. You've always been the anchor in my storm."

She grinned, nudging my shoulder playfully. "Someone's got to keep your head on straight."

As we shared a moment of laughter, I felt a renewed sense of strength. YN was right. I wasn't alone in this struggle. Voight's challenges weren't meant to break me; they were meant to mold me into a better cop. And I had YN by my side, reminding me that I was enough just as I was.

"So, what do you say we head back inside?" YN suggested. "There's a pool table with our names on it."

I nodded, casting one more glance at the city below. The lights twinkled like stars against the canvas of the night. With YN and the team behind me, I was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The road might be tough, but with unbreakable bonds and unwavering support, I knew I could navigate it.

Together, we walked back inside, ready to take on whatever awaited us in the city of Chicago.

The sound of laughter and clinking glasses greeted us as we stepped back into Molly's, the familiar bar where our team often gathered. Will Halstead, my brother, and YN's boyfriend, was at the pool table, sinking shots with an impressive accuracy. He had that charming grin on his face that could disarm just about anyone, and his eyes lit up as he noticed us entering.

"Speak of the devil," Will teased, lining up another shot. "You guys here to challenge the reigning pool champion?"

YN smirked, elbowing me playfully. "Care to show him what we're made of, Jay?"

I chuckled, shaking my head. "I think I'll leave that to you, YNN."

YN grabbed a cue stick, and soon, the two of them were engaged in a friendly match, trading banter and showcasing their skills on the table. It was a sight to behold – my brother and my best friend, finding common ground and happiness together. Seeing them like this filled me with a sense of contentment.

As I leaned against the bar, I caught sight of Voight sitting at a corner table, nursing a drink. He was watching us, his gaze thoughtful. Taking a deep breath, I decided it was time to face my doubts head-on. I walked over to him, pulling out a chair and sitting down.

"Hey," I began, my voice steady despite the uncertainty in my chest.

Voight looked at me, his expression unreadable. "Halstead."

"I know I've had my share of struggles," I said, meeting his gaze directly. "And sometimes, it feels like I'll never be good enough."

Voight took a slow sip of his drink, his eyes locked onto mine. "You've got potential, Jay. But potential means nothing if you don't push yourself. I'm not going to coddle you because I believe you're capable of more. And I expect you to live up to that."

I nodded, a mix of determination and gratitude welling up within me. "I won't let you down, Voight. I'll prove that I can handle whatever you throw my way."

Voight's lips quirked into a half-smile. "Good. That's what I want to hear."

As I returned to the bar, watching YN and Will's playful rivalry on the pool table, I felt a renewed sense of purpose. Voight's expectations weren't meant to crush me; they were a challenge to rise above my own doubts. And with YN's unwavering support and Will's reassuring presence, I knew I had the foundation to stand strong.

The night continued with laughter, camaraderie, and the clatter of pool balls. We were a team, a family bound by unbreakable bonds. And as I watched my best friend and my brother sharing a victory dance around the pool table, I realized that I was already good enough – not just for Voight, but for myself.

In the heart of Chicago, surrounded by those who believed in me, I was ready to face the challenges that lay ahead. With every shot sunk and every hurdle overcome, I was carving my own path, proving that I was capable of more than I'd ever imagined.

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