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A/N my face is killing me with this wisdom teeth removal lol but i'm surviving! thanks for patience!

sorry for the loss of plot honestly, this has taken me a long time to write with all the other stuff i've been doing that i don't have many plans for it anymore which means the rest is just the boys all finally getting together and living peacefully in the place they can! unfortunately means this story is going to come to a short end soon after a few more chaps but next time i write a story i'll have it all planned before publishing!

enjoy some horny mfs

When I next woke up I was in bed, Elias's--I had come to realize--which was completely empty besides myself buried beneath the covers.

I groggily sat up and looked around, my eyes stinging with sleep and I was sure my hair was sticking up in all directions.

On the little side table, the clock read 6 in the evening and I knew the boys would all be done with their work, besides Elias who was almost always working. But I knew he wouldn't be doing much at the moment since it was dinner time.

I reluctantly pulled myself out of the warm sheets and slowly walked around the room, careful of any creaks in the floor that could disturb the quietness I had brung to the room.

I heard chatter from the bedroom door and suddenly I was confused. Who had brought me in here?

Alex would have just taken me back to his room, or even mine since I had my key on me. I hadn't woken up at all during the transfer of rooms.

I slowly opened the bedroom door, light slipping in from the main room and making my eyes twitch slightly.

I picked Noah's voice out immediately, it was always the loudest in the room as he was quite the talker. He was rambling on about some residents in the nearby apartment complex.

"I swear the old bat has it out for me!" He exclaimed.

"Noah, that 'old bat' is 20, she's barely older than you," Ricky's voice piped up.

"She keeps yelling at me for her buildings' problems, I don't even work electrical? Why is she mad at me?" He continued on.

"I mean you have connections," I heard Isaac's voice.

I stepped down the small hallway until I was in the open, Noah facing me and the first to notice I was awake.

"Morning sleeping beauty," He smirked.

I flipped him off quickly, trying to quietly clear my throat from its drowsiness. 

Noah and his boys as well as all my boys were at the main table, different bowls of food out and drinks being shared between each other.

I was slightly bummed they didn't wake me for dinner but also grateful for the sleep.

I haven't been doing huge activities to cause my tiredness but I was also not the best at falling asleep on time.

I tried to ignore the blush creeping onto my cheeks as eyes went to me and instead acted as though this was just a normal dinner occurrence, which at this point it kind of was.

Alex was opening a bottle of some sort of drink at the kitchen counter that overlooked the room so I started myself towards him as Noah began to speak on a new topic.

I slid my arm around his free one, fingers brushing against his bare arm that I had noticed to be fairly muscular.

He didn't say anything to me but let me grasp onto him and lean my head on his shoulder.

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