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double update I guess!

didn't realize people actually wanted me to update this more  frequently, a lot more people were reading survive more!

I'll update this more now that I know there are people waiting on this story as well :)

thank you for the huge amount of support you've been giving, you are making my little writer dreams come true <33

"New York is a big place and the gates cover almost all of it. So that being said, I'll show you around this specific part. Anything else you wanna see, that'll have to be a separate trip." Noah said as we walked downstairs of the large hotel.

Noah planned today to be a catch up day. He wanted to show me around the city and talk to make up for the years we missed together.

Stepping outside I pulled the sleeves of my large knitted sweater over my hands. It was slightly chilly this morning but the glowing sun made it nice.

Despite it being early, the streets were still bustling with life.

Mostly teens and young adults as I'd assumed. They all seemed to be walking with purpose, like there was always somewhere to be and something to do.

"It's so busy." I said to Noah. He hummed.

"When this place was built up again, Elias was someone who took charge. Eventually people decided he knew what he was doing and let him lead us all. He knew there were things that needed to be done and he knew just how to do them." Noah started to explain.

A few people would wave to him and he'd pause to wave back. It seemed Noah had gotten acquainted with many people.

"They all knew the only way this draft city was going to work was with jobs and order. They created a system. People picked up jobs much like in a regular place, some new jobs to adapt to the draft but overall it functions pretty normally."

"They didn't know much about creating a way of paying so they created a new one with these tiny disc things. Elias has kept everything fairly cheap because there's no need to cost people really. Unless people are selling or doing things for others there's no reason to make people pay."

"And it works?" I asked him. Noah shrugged and nodded.

"People pay other people when they help fix something, or make food for them or make clothes for them. People don't need to pay to live in a hotel. They don't need to pay unless another person does work for them. You know what I mean?" He struggled finding the words.

"You don't need to pay for a vehicle, but you would need to pay for someone to fix your vehicle or make you a whole new one." He added as an example.

I could grasp the concept.

"What about supplies?" I asked.

"People can take whatever they want that's already around, once you start running out you kind of commission others to make you more." Noah explained.

"Won't people just steal more than they need? Is there just no penalty?" I questioned, glancing around at the small shops lining the street.

"Yeah. But we try our best to make sure people don't do that. There's only so much we can do really. In the case someone does something really bad, there's a few buildings that act like a jail." He answered.

"Overall there's a lot more to it. It's kind of a scuffed out system but I know Elias and the other managers of this place really tried to make it work out for everyone. Majority is still teens here and we all are struggling in these conditions, it won't be perfect."

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