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A/N sorry for such slow updates, life is busy :(

hope you enjoy!

I wasn't quite sure what to wear.

My first real party and I had like no clothes. Noah offered to help me out, rummaging around his own closet to find something.

"Ah! Here we go." He suddenly said, pulling out a large black t-shirt and a pair of jeans.

"That's not very fitting to the theme." I said with a small smile. Noah shook his head.

"I have a glow in the dark marker, we can draw something on the shirt. I also have some glow in the dark glitter that they had at sparkle night." He said, throwing the jeans  at me.

I shrugged and pulled off my shirt to change. Pulling on the jeans and moving behind Noah who had sat down to draw on the shirt.

When he finished he lifted it up to show an almost invisible spider web design covering the shirt. It was a dull color that would supposedly lighten up in the dark.

"Here you go." Noah said, handing me the shirt and moving to his drawers.

I pulled the shirt on just before Noah pushed me into a chair and turned it to face him. He pulled out a small plastic container, unscrewing the lid.

Inside was a white, glittery substance that stuck together. Noah scooped some out and applied it to my cheeks and temple.

He did the same for himself and then put the container back.

"Shall we?" He asked, holding out his hand. I smiled and took it, letting him pull me out of his room.

We met up with Cassie and Noah's boyfriends, but Issac and the others weren't there yet. We all stood in the lobby to wait.

Cassie was wearing a red dress with some glow in the dark makeup. Ellie decided to join when she found out Cassie would be going and was dressed similarly but a black dress instead.

Moments later Isaac came downstairs with Sage and Alex and my heart almost stopped beating.

All three of them had glow in the dark skeleton makeup on, heightening their attractive features. The only difference between them was their outfits.

Isaac wore an outfit like mine, a fitting black t-shirt and jeans. Alex wore the same but a jacket swung over his arm. Sage was wearing a black button up with too many buttons undone. They all had layered necklaces and rings to make it more stylish.

I felt lightheaded. They were so painfully attractive.

Isaac was suddenly in front of me and Noah was telling the group to start moving. I stared at Isaac, not sure what to say.

"Alright?" He asked, a teasing smile on his face.

"Yeah." I breathed out.

Isaac smiled, genuinely, and slid his hand down my arm to my hand, intertwining them. I let him pull me after the others, Alex and Sage close behind us.

We walked silently, listening to the others talk ahead of us, scanning the city at life. The sky was dimming quickly.

Soon we arrived at a lit up building. It had neon signs and brightly colored lights streaming from through the doors. There was loud music and people were going in and out.

They all wore brightly colored outfits and glowing face paint.

Slowly we made our way inside. It was completely dark with blacklight lights pouring over the room. Everyone was glowing, literally, and dancing and talking.

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