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started this story a couple months ago so I have 8 chaps written already

please enjoy sudden spam


The street was empty.

It's always empty on drafting day.

The wet leaves stuck to the ground, a chilling breeze blowing the damp air through my curls. My foot stepped in a puddle as I walked down the road.

I pulled my jacket tighter around me, trying to keep out the cold spring air. Drafting day always happened right at the end of winter. Mainly because they know we couldn't survive out there if we were battling those creatures AND freezing temperatures.

They seem to have forgotten winter doesn't only happen once.

I pulled out my phone, scrolling to Noah's contact.

Last read: April 23rd, 2 years ago

His last message was 'see you at school' and the rest were messages from me. Talking to him even though he could no longer see it.

I wondered if he was still alive.

Noah was my best friend since we were 7. Still is as far as I know.

We did everything together. He was a lot more outgoing than I was, more willing to speak his mind. He always stood up for me, always made me laugh.

He was basically my brother.

Then on April 23rd, drafting day.

He got drafted.

I cried. A lot.

I went to the gate, the drafting gate, and cried. I watched them shove him outside the walls with only a small leather pack with some scraps of food, a water bottle, and a few bandaids. Hardly enough to survive with.

He was only 16. Only 16 when they forced him out with the infected and into the fallen cities where nothing lived more than 1 hour.

I kicked a pebble off the sidewalk.

When someone gets drafted, it's like they die. They have a higher chance of dying than surviving anyways. I mourned Noah for a while. I still do.

He was my only friend. I had spoken to other kids, sure, but I never got close enough with them to consider them a friend. Let alone a best friend.

People felt bad for me. They said they understood.

They didn't though. Could they even imagine losing their best friend?

I shook the thoughts of Noah from my head. If I thought about him out there any longer I'd probably start crying.

This year was the last of my chances of getting drafted. The last time they could pull my name. Mom was hopeful, and I was too.

But there was still that sinking feeling I always got on drafting day. The 'what if' of it all. What if I did get drafted?

I wouldn't survive. I couldn't. I'm not a strong, sporty, tough guy teenager like most guys at school. I liked to do art, and stay inside avoiding everyone. I had an extremely low pain tolerance and I cried when I was frustrated.

I couldn't survive a zombie apocalypse like the people in books and movies. I could barely survive highschool.

I looked down at my phone again. Pulling up Noah's contact once more.

I typed him a message.

Noah :D

If you're out there you better be watching the draw. Channel 195, Chicago's draft.

The Draft (boyxboy+)Where stories live. Discover now