978 49 23

i feel so awkward- I hope my writing isn't awful or weird and I hope you enjoy


The next week was hard to get through.

We'd walk all day, only stopping briefly to hide or scavenge for food. At night we'd find an abandoned building to try and sleep in. We have only been attacked once, we ran into an infected while finding a place to sleep.

We grabbed anything we could find and panicked, beating the shit out of it.

I finished all my water yesterday and all my food as well. We were running low on supplies and we had little energy.

We were somewhere in Pennsylvania, getting closer to New York.

Cassie and I really got to know each other, both of us were too panicked to sleep sometimes so we stayed up to chat.

"We need to find food and water soon." Zara said, stumbling a little. My legs were aching and a few people had tripped and fell.

We were a train wreck but we were still alive which gives me hope.

"Everything's been looted. Where the hell are we going to find food and water." Jake muttered, throwing his hands up.

My pack felt heavy on my back, for something with so little inside.

"Maybe we'll get lucky." Juan suggested, kicking a rock.

A loud groan sounded from a nearby building, followed by multiple screeches.

We all stopped in our tracks, Jessie turning to give Juan a look.

"Since when have we ever gotten lucky?" She hissed. Sluggish steps came from behind us.

The infected were ugly, ugly, creatures. Their skin was grayish green, sagging flesh along their arms. Their eyes were blood red in the white spots and pitch black pupils almost filling the whole eye. Their nails were dirty and some picked off. Hair was in patches and their teeth had spit pouring out.

They walked sluggishly, dragging their feet and arms dangling as if they were going to fall off. Their clothes were so tattered I couldn't tell what was cloth and what was skin.

Their screams were painfully loud and they often groaned and gurgled uncontrollably.

"Run!" Jake screeched.

I wasted no time in lunging myself forward, breaking out into a sprint. The infected broke out after us, a group of 6.

My body screamed at me to stop, and just lay down but I made a promise to mom that I would survive. And that's what I planned on doing.

The others were ahead of me, pushing even faster as the screams got closer.

The buildings whipped past me in a blur and suddenly I heard Cassie yelp. I risked turning to look, seeing her flopping down.

She tripped.

She tried to get herself up groaning, but the infected were gaining on her. She would never make it.

I made a risky decision to go back and help her. But I couldn't lose another friend.

I grabbed her arms and yanked, pulling her to her feet. I shoved her back and she started running. I grabbed a broken pipe, preparing to hit them off as much as I could.

The first infected hit me and I swung as hard as possible at his head. I winced at the squishy sound it made on impact and stumbled backwards.

The others were approaching quickly so I booked it.

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