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A/N the long awaited, pls ignore mistakes and plot holes I'm slightly sleep deprived

The cup of coffee was warm in my hands, fighting off the chill of the morning.

The temperature had dropped down, just cold enough for people to put on jackets. I had one of my own, a black puffy one. It sat nicely over my hoodie, which was really Isaac's hoodie, and stopped just above my jeans.

Noah walked beside me, gazing at the tall city buildings shading the street.

Despite the cool temperatures there were many people walking about the streets. Groups of construction teams working on a building, stand up shops lined the sidewalks bristling with customers, and coffee shops emitting a warm glow.

"Elias and Erin come back tonight." Noah said, even though he knew I was aware.

"Do you know what time?" I asked him. He nodded.

"Jayden says around 11 pm tonight." He said, wincing as the sun hit his eyes. He brushed some hair from his face.

"Why so late? Couldn't they have planned to leave earlier?" I asked, internally groaning. It wasn't too late but I was hoping to see them before bed.

"Erin already is coming home earlier than he originally planned. He figured it might be easier to come back with Elias since Elias dropped him off. Elias has one more morning shift, then he has to get lunch, pack up, and head off. That should be around mid afternoon." Noah explained.

I wanted them to come back faster. The undiscussed thing we all have between us was tearing my brain apart and I wanted answers.

Part of me just wanted to see the whole group of us together again. I wanted to see how Elias and Erin feel about the other three boys.

Noah hooked an arm around my shoulders, sighing.

"I just want to see them and talk." I admitted, though Noah probably knew already. He chuckled and pulled at the collar of my hoodie.

"Talk about this shit?" He laughed.

I shrugged him off, heat flooding my cheeks. It was impossible to hide them forever, they wouldn't go away in just two days.

I figured having Noah find out when we were away from everyone was best. The others wouldn't comment, Noah definitely would.

He laughed for a while. Then he asked how it happened which turned into a tease about how the boys all like me.

After that he stopped caring, only a few jokes here and there.

"The boys won't kiss me until Elias and Erin do. I don't even know if they want to, and I also don't know how they feel about all of each other." I said, answering seriously.

The city was drowned out, our simple stroll turning into our own private bubble of conversation.

"I think they have feelings for each other. I think you're just focused on how they feel about you and you them. They definitely want to kiss you, they're just scared of opening up." Noah said.

I let his words sink in. Surprisingly I actually found myself believing him. Maybe they did feel that way about me.

When they're home I'll just have to pay attention to how they act with each other.

If something were to happen, I'd want it to be mutual between us all. Not just me and them.

The conversation ended there. The topic changed, more to Noah's time in the city and about his plans for work and life.

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