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Just to note, after googling the hotel I chose for this story I realized some of the super fancy decorations look like they belong in the early 1900s which I don't like as much so it's still super fancy but redecorated mostly


After Noah tripped over himself multiple times in order to show Cassie and I around and begged Elias for 10 minutes trying to show his side of the large double suite, we finally sat down to chat.

There had been much work done on this floor. The thick wall between two large suites was torn down. The right half was for Noah and his boyfriends, the left belonged to Elias.

The place was even better than my own. There were numerous chandeliers and glossy floors. Large windows that overlooked the buzzing city. The dining area was shifted to combine the two suites, making the place even larger than needed. I genuinely couldn't tell the difference between this hotel and a royal palace.

The kitchen was large and walls were taken down to make the place more open.

The suite that started on the left was all Elias' while Noah and the other boys took the suite beginning on the right.

Noah said that it worked because both enjoyed privacy while also enjoying a place together. Noah and his boyfriends usually stayed away from Elias' side unless given specific permission, and same for Elias with the other side.

They usually didn't need to go to each other's sides unless they were sleeping there or really needed something. They often just hung out in the middle area as a large lounge type place. If they wanted to be alone they separated into their hallways.

I thought it was a smart idea.

After talking with Noah and Cassie for a while I asked if I could get a glass of juice. Water was just too bland and Noah knew that so he offered apple juice instead.

Elias was hunched over the counter looking through papers, eyebrows furrowed and face looking annoyed.

I decided not to bother him so I slid past and went to the fridge, pulling out the carton of apple juice. My only problem was I didn't know where the cups were.

Just as I turned around to try and ask Elias I saw him shift and stand up from his hunched position. He moved just past me, opening a cabinet and grabbing a cup.

"Thank you." I said very quietly as he handed it to me. He must've known I wouldn't know where to find things.

Elias didn't say anything but nodded very subtly which told me he was acknowledging it.

I took a sip of my juice and hesitated. I desperately wanted to know where Erin was. I shouldn't have just expected him to be here, he doesn't know us that well.

But a part of me longed for him and Elias to be near me together. I wanted Erin to become close with Elias so that when I came over they would both be here. And another strange tiny part of me wanted to get to know the boys from the lobby.

I must be losing my mind.

I shook my head and looked up at Elias who was looking at me with a softer expression from the one I saw before.

"Where's Erin?" I asked him. I wanted to cringe. Why am I even asking?

"Do you want him to come over? If you'd prefer to hang out with him I could give him a message." He said with an emotionless tone. I shook my head quickly.

"No, no, I like being with both of you together." I blurted. I froze briefly, realizing how that sounded. Elias seemed to like my answer instead of being weirded out.

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