Chapter 23

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POV: Theseus 

I rushed to the hospital as soon as I got that text. I had just ordered a cab at the airport. I landed in LA 10 minutes ago and now I was rushing to the hospital. I paid off the cab and ran inside. I didn't bring any luggage other than a small suitcase. 

I asked the receptionist for the room number. Then I rushed to the room. I spotted Selene in the hallway. "Selene!" I shouted and ran to her. "Where is she?! How did this happen?!" I asked. Selene texted me and told me about the attack on Contessina. Contessina was in that room right now.

"I don't know." She said frantically. "She invited me over for dinner. I got to the apartment and the door was wide open." I listened to her. She had small blood spots on her shirt which scared me for life. 

"I went in and saw her lying there in the living room. The whole apartment was a mess, everything was thrashed. She was lying there with blood-" She choked up and I rubbed her shoulder. 

"Go on, tell me," I said. 
"Her nose was bleeding, she had marks on her neck. Her pants were halfway off, oh lord." She said and breathed heavily. 

"What do you mean her pants were off?" I asked her, scared as shit.
"I think she was raped. Oh lord, this is so bad." She sat down and tried to calm herself as she cried. 

"What about the baby?" I asked as my hands fell cold from fear. 
"Doctors say they have to monitor. They think she can miscarry if she was raped violently." I felt my head spin. 

"What else did the doctors say? Did they call the police?" I asked. I didn't want to jump to conclusions but I couldn't help myself. I will kill Robert if Contessina says that his men raped her. 

"They said they have given her some IV for energy, and a pill for any pain. No inner bleeding, they will monitor her for the night." Selene said and stood up. "I said they should wait for you before calling the police, one of the doctors knew you so, he helped."

"Go home, Selene," I said to her. "Thank you for being here. I need to be alone with her." I explained. She nodded. I went into the room. Contessina lay there with her eyes closed. My eyes wandered to the IV bag near her. A sharp pain rose in my chest watching her injured and powerless. 

"Contessina, are you awake?" I said as I sat by her. I heard her groan a little and turn to face me. 

POV: Contessina 

I looked at him and adjusted towards him. It was like he froze when he looked at me. "Hi," I said as he didn't say anything. "When did you land?" I asked and put forth my hand for him.

"Every time I leave you in LA, something bad happens." He sighed and looked at me with a stern face. "This is it. I'm getting your bags packed, you'll stay with me until that baby is here and you are divorced." He took out his phone and typed away. 

I felt the determination in his voice. I  sighed. "A little help?" He held my hand and helped me sit up straight. "Theseus-" 
"No! I am not listening to you anymore." He said and backed away a little. "You can be as angry at me as you want but-" 

"Take me with you." I interrupted him. He looked at me a little dumbfounded. "What did the doctors say?"
"They said they are going to monitor you." He said. 

"Why?" I got confused. 
"Because they think you may lose the baby." He rubbed his eyes and scooted closer to me. I let out a sigh. "Did they...were you..." He took a second. "Selene said that your leggings-" 

"I wasn't raped." I clarified. "He almost did rape me but then got off me. Guess they came to search my apartment for something." He scooted closer and ran his fingers through my hair. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 23 ⏰

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