Chapter 15

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(4 months later)

POV: Contessina 

"When's your flight?" Darius asked, putting my suitcase in the backseat of his car. 
"At 4," I said. I had to attend a business seminar and was nervous about where it was held. 

It was being held in England. Theseus has business in England. I moved the thought away. The speaker who was going to take the seminar was not in the cosmetics business. However, I can use some business knowledge and tips. 

I'm to launch in a few weeks and want it to be flawless. I gathered my attendee card that was required to attend the seminar. It is held in Bristol and I reassured myself that Theseus' business is centered in London. 

"It is noon now, Tess," Darius said with a bad face. 
"I must be at the airport 2 hours before the flight." I glared at him and got into the car. He sat in and started driving. 

"I hate flights." He made a face. I had to call him to drop me off. I could've called a cab but I could use a familiar company. He drove to the airport. We got there and he unloaded my suitcase. I was hoping he would leave me as soon as I got off. 

Darius is not a patient person. My prediction was proven right. He did try to be at the airport for some time but gave up after an hour. I sat in the waiting area and opened my phone. I had a missed call from an unsaved number. 

I almost ignored it but the heart wants what it wants. Even after all these months, I hoped to hear from him. I called back on the number. There was a weird beep. "Hello." I heard a familiar voice. 

"Hello," I said with a pause. "Who's this?" 
"Contessina, It's Ace." Theseus' brother spoke. 
"Hi." I couldn't help the cold reply. 
"How are-" There was a beep and the phone call got cut off. 

A bad network has the weirdest timing. It was time for me to board the flight.


 "Denver Resort," I told the taxi driver the address. I knew there would be someone to attend me before the Seminar. I had Darius make sure of it as I didn't want to be alone. The driver nodded and started driving. 

I'm glad the resort was close to the airport. I paid the taxi fare and unloaded my luggage. I checked in and waited to get my room keys. "Hey..." Someone said behind me. I turned to face this person. "Are you Ms. Hudgens?" 

"Yes," I answered. 
"Your partner Darius informed me about your arrival. I'm Irene." She extended her hand and we shook hands. "I'll be helping you around here." 
"Oh, yes," I said with a smile. "Please call me Contessina." 

She nodded. I got my room keys and we both walked to the lift. "Can you tell me more about this speaker?" I asked Irene. 
"His name is Arthur Hughs. Married, has one kid. He owns multiple trade complexes and hotel chains throughout London." I nodded listening to her. 

"There are two more speakers who will be joining us today. For now, take some rest and the seminar starts at 7." She said as we reached my room. It was 3 pm right now and I needed to sleep. 

"What room are you in?" I asked her.
"117, one floor below you." She answered. 
"Ok, Thank you," I said and as she walked away I shut the door. I put the luggage near the coffee table and sat on the bed for some time. 

"Hi," I said as the call connected to Darius. 
"Hey, did you land?" He said in a sleepy voice. 
"Yeah, just got to the resort now, checked in," I said, opening my shoes. 

"That's good." He yawned on the phone. 
"What time is it there? Must be like the morning." 
"It's 7 am here." He said. 
"Damn. You should sleep, I'm going to sleep too." 

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