Chapter 20

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POV: Contessina 

Today I have to show up at Court for the separation. I was already halfway through getting ready for the day. I was going to be with my Lawyer and Darius an hour before our court session. I put my hair in a pony and opened the door for a visitor. 

Selene was coming over to my apartment. I invited her over moments after I put up an offer on a house. I wanted her to see me here one time before I move away. "You look well." She said as we greeted each other. 

"I have been well." I sat her on the couch and gave her a glass of water. "You didn't have any trouble reaching here, right?" 

"No, I got here fine." She talked as I just organized the kitchen. "It's so weird watching you dry dishes, Ma-"
"You're not my maid anymore, Selene. Call me by my name." I assured her, putting a soft smile on her lips. 

"Ok, Ms. Hudgens." I chuckled at her response. "You look truly well." She said with some pride in her eyes. "You live in good conditions, you have your business settled, and you put on some weight. Everything is good with you." 

I let her talk as my mind was caught up with the weight comment. Anyone I was telling about the weight gain just told me I was wrong. Selene is noticing a change in my body, it must be true. "I'm so glad things are better now." 

"Me too," I replied as we went back to the living room. She sat on the couch and I built up the intention to ask. "Have I put weight on?" I wanted to confirm. Everyone was telling me there was no change but deep down I had this feeling. 

Feeling that something had changed. I couldn't figure it out and it was stressful. "Yes." She looked me up and down. "It's not bad if that's what you think. You were too skinny before, this is nice." 

She assured me and stared for a bit. "Are your periods fine?" She suddenly asked. Selene was a middle-aged woman. I expected her to ask me these things, she was a motherly figure more than a friend. 

"Of course," I said and thought about it a bit. "I've been on birth control so it's low for now." I rambled and thought more about it. The sudden weight gain and food aversions. Maybe I was having side effects from the birth pills. 

"I think you should take a pregnancy test," Selene advised. "Just to be sure about the weight." 
"I can't be pregnant." 

I said. "I've been on pills for 4 months now. And Theseus hasn't been here in those months." 
"Still, take a test. What if your pills are not effective?" She put another doubt in my head.  

"It could just be a side effect," I said to Selene. "Right?" I asked after a moment of doubt. 
"Depends on when you had sex last. Did you do it after starting the contraception course?" Selene asked. 

I took a second to remember the events in the correct order. "Did it just before starting the pills," I said. "But he didn' know." 

She gave the nod. "Let's just talk about something else. I'm not pregnant, we made sure of it." I said with confidence. 


The court session went well. I had been truly nervous about it but it went well. I made my statements, and the jury viewed the photos of my injuries. Theseus' testimony went smoothly. Although, I don't know if the jury took him seriously as he was testifying against his father. 

It was just so overwhelming to be reminded of my every injury. I was drained and stayed home for the rest of the day. It was almost dinner time and I had ordered a pizza. Darius offered to come over for dinner but I wanted to be alone. 

I turned on the TV and ate my pizza. I knew Selene had left me a pregnancy test. It bothered me every time I thought about it. It was bizarre, just the thought of having a child when I'm so young. 

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