Chapter 48 : Preparations

Start from the beginning

I tell him as much as I could, in the time we had. I can tell by the expression on his face that he doesn't think much of my plan.

"Will you do it?" I say.

"I don't know, Raul. It seems a little ... drastic." He frowns, thinking. "I hope you realize the many ways this plan of yours could go wrong."

I smile wryly. "You know me better than that."

"Are you sure you're not just stressed? Building that new facility in Raleigh is a tremendous project, Raul. Not to mention all the security you have to maintain around the new manufacturing formulas."

"I'm always stressed. If I weren't, I'd quit this job and do something else."

He gets to his feet and buttons his suit jacket. "This better pan out. I don't want to think I'm risking Kate throttling me for nothing."

"Thank you." I put a hand on his shoulder. "This should all be over soon. I'll meet you for lunch, I should have confirmation by then."



"Let me get this story straight," I say. I don't look at Marcus, instead, my focus is on my water goblet. I move my fingertip down one side, drawing a line through the condensation. "The reason Raul didn't come home last night was because he was with another woman."

"Yes," he says. After a pause, he adds slowly, "Are you supposed to know who it is?"

"I think so." I shrug. "I can guess, anyway."

"You and he are having problems, aren't you?"

"I thought we hid that well enough."

"You did. Maybe too well."

I laugh. "I make it a point to always be good at my job."

He looks around, as though checking that no one was listening or observing us where we sat just outside of a random café we picked to meet at. Of course, he doesn't bother to be subtle about it. "This is going to be tricky. I'm not sure how we're supposed to play it."

"Well, I'm not making a scene."

"Of course you won't."

"Do I seem that cold, Marcus?"

"No, no." He put a hand on mine. "You're pragmatic. And you know the last thing we need right now is a full-blown scandal."

I smile and squeeze his hand. "You're pragmatic too. I think that's why Raul needs you."

"He needs you too, you know."

Shrugging, I pour myself more tea. "Apparently not, seeing how easily replaceable I was."

"You know what I mean."

"So, are you here to console me?" I take a sip of tea, grateful for the way it soothed my frazzled nerves.

"I'm here to be your friend."

"Thank you."

"Let me take you out to dinner. It will do us both some good."

I raise an eyebrow. "My husband will be busy tonight, I take it?"

"He'll be busy all day. But I'm meeting him for lunch, probably with Nova, who will hopefully have something significant to report." He hesitates long enough to tell me there's something else, something big. "The police may be considering Raul as a person of interest in Saldana's murder."

I nearly drop my cup. This is too much, I don't think I can take any more of this. "Since when?"

"Since today. The media has latched on to it, they're asking questions."

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