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NOVA===============02/05/2003Alto, New MexicoSilverwing Base================

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Alto, New Mexico
Silverwing Base

It's been two days since Leo and I drove up to Santa Fe.  

That's two days of preparations, and we're two days closer to carrying it out.

Everybody has been informed of his location and status. Everybody is on board for the operation. Nicholas is definitely going to have his strength in numbers, so we need to ensure we have the same; if not more.

I've thought about exactly how I'm going to kill him for the last two days.

Do I let him suffer? Do I just slit his throat?

As long as I am the one to see the life drain out of his eyes, I don't care. I've never been more fucking determined in my life.

It's raging through me, I'm fuelled by the boiling pits of hell. Fuelled by the place I hope I'll exile him to.

Everyone has been shown the video. Some have even remarked that I look 'so much' like him. They don't realise the weight of what they're saying. I can't blame them, since most of them don't know he's my brother.

I'm not particularly bothered about them knowing. Although, a part of me is worried that if they do know, they'll start to think that maybe I'm just like him; maybe I've got a sinister side.

I've been taking my stress out on targets all morning. It's not often I get the chance to just sit and practice my own skills.

"You still haven't told me about what happened with yours and Leo's little 'talk'," Tara grins, loading up her rifle.

She's one of the few people who I'm actually enjoying the company of at the minute. To be honest, I think I could be on death's door and still enjoy Tara's company.

"About five minutes of talking, then we fucked," I deadpan, snickering as I catch Tara's reaction. She nearly drops her rifle, having to steady it at the last second.

"Damn, so it went successfully I presume?" She laughs, I hum. Her eye leans back towards the scope before she whips around to face me again.

"Shit. You already know what I'm going to ask, you're on some sort of birth control aren't you?" Her expression twists into seriousness.

"Yeah, of course. I was on it for my period anyway, guess it came in pretty damn useful," I chuckle.

"I saw it coming. I read the letter, you know? You should've seen him when he realised you'd already left that day," she shakes her head, "he was stressed out of his mind,"

"Well, he should've listened to me the twenty-thousand times I told him to adjust his watch," I smirk, firing a few shots.

They all pierce right into Nicholas.

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