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LEO===============09/02/2003Passi CityThe Philippines================

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Passi City
The Philippines

"Somebody fucking do something!" I scream at North and the rest of the team who just came sprinting into the room with Abe, he's the one who led them to us.

"Rosa's bringing the supplies," North snaps, speaking into his comms urgently and trying to direct the medics to our location.

"We don't have time to wait around, she's fucking dying!" I yell, looking back down at her with my eyes glazing over.

The last time Nova nearly died, there wasn't a single scratch on her body; it almost looked like she was simply in a deep sleep.

But now, it's nothing short of complete violence. There's blood gushing out of her chest. It's coating both of us completely, still trickling out between my fingers as I apply every ounce of my strength into stemming the seemingly infinite flow.

There's only so much blood somebody can lose before they die, and it's no different for her.

Tara is trying to bring her back around to awareness, speaking to her in a futile attempt of calmness. It's not working, and her voice is trembling with each word.

"How long are they going to take?!" I seethe up at North, he waves his hands at me to shut up.

I can't even bring myself to check if her pulse is still beating, or if she's still breathing. She'll be okay, she has to be alright.

She has to.

I growl in anger at the lack of response before pulling her towards me, wrapping her arm around the back of my neck and hoisting her into a carry; despite the fact my knuckles are still severely busted out from the hammer a few days ago.

I'm careful with her, even though I don't think she can feel anything right now.

The bleeding is slowly lowering in severity; I don't know if that's because I've managed to stem it or because she's ran out of fucking blood.

If she doesn't survive this, I have no idea what I'll do. I thought she was dead whilst I was being held captive. Something led her back to me, but now she's dying right in front of my own eyes.

I feel so fucking helpless.

"Where's the chopper?" I demand, standing up off of the ground with her. My injured leg seems entirely irrelevant right now, I can't even feel it.

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