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NOVA=== ==== ==== ====30/05/2002 - 1pmPhoenix, ArizonaRedhawk Base==== ==== ==== ====

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30/05/2002 - 1pm
Phoenix, Arizona
Redhawk Base
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Nothings changed. I still don't like him. Still a prick.

I can't see myself being able to tolerate him. My mom's old lesson keeps chiming around my brain: 'Always give people a second chance.'

The Commander is speaking to me as he leads me to my cabin; my mind is elsewhere. My mind is on the arrogant piece of shit who I have work alongside from now on.

"Did you get all of that, Shields?" He questions, cold voice snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Hm? Yes, Sir." A lie.

He shakes his head as we approach a terraced row of cabins. His hand rests on the handle as he glances over at me. "No you didn't. You were too busy thinking 'bout your little reunion with Leo. I mean it, Shields. Me and Vincent are putting plenty of faith in the pair of you. You mightn't be able to cooperate on a personal level; but your skill sets fit together like a jigsaw. Don't let us down."

His hand turns the doorknob as he pushes it open. The cabin is dimly lit, only one small window on the wall opposite the door. It's pretty basic; a double bed in the middle next to a bedside cabinet. A small bathroom off to the left hand side.

"This was Richards' cabin. Hopefully his ghost doesn't come haunt 'ya. Take your time, get settled. Just remember; 6pm sharp in the main office."

My head moves up and down as I take his information on board. "Yes, Sir. 6pm sharp."

With an affirmative nod, he disappears out of the door; closing it behind him with a click.

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Unpacking my shit takes less time than I thought. I guess I owe that to Lisa.

The only personal touch in my room is a framed photograph that I've set on my bedside cabinet. A family picture. It was taken in Yosemite; near the peak of El Capitan.

My mom has me on her shoulders; my dad, Frank, right next to her. One of his arms is wrapped around her waist; the other is outstretched in an attempt to get my estranged half-brother Nicholas in the photograph. They managed to get half of him in, at least.

The photograph is a mere reminder of what I once had. My mom, Maria; disappeared without a trace when I was 8. Nobody knows what happened to her, my dad never got closure. The speculations have been insane.

The year prior, Nicholas left home when he was 15; decided it was a good idea to make a career path in the criminal underworld. He could be dead for all I know; I couldn't care less. He was a fucking bastard.

My dad, being an ex-military veteran; planned my life out from that point. I don't think teaching his 8 year old daughter how to work a gun was his plan when he became a father; although I don't blame him.

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