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🎼Space song - Beach House

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🎼Space song - Beach House

Panay, The Philippines

I grimace in frustration as I lean against the washbasin, looking into the mirror at the steri-strips binding the skin over the gash across my nose bridge.

Do people seriously think I'm capable of this? Of betraying the group I've poured every ounce of my fucking soul in for the past seven years?

Do I really come across that dissimilar to my heartless, scum of the earth brother?

"I can't believe he did that to you." Tara murmurs, shaking her head in disgust of the whole situation.

"For once, me neither." I shrug, glancing over at her. Word has spread around the base like wildfire over the palaver. I wipe some dried blood off of the sides of my nose with an old rag, heaving out a heavy sigh.

"Do I come across like that, Tara? Like I have the potential to betray the group?" I mumble, dampening the cloth with some more water.

"Not at all. I don't know what the hell got into him." She seethes on my behalf, although her reply makes me feel a little more relieved. I groan slightly, propping myself up and sitting on the counter.

"How's the nose?" She speaks in a soft tone of voice. I just shrug with a small grin tugging at the corners of my lips.

"I've had a shard of metal yanked from my leg with nothing to numb the pain, this is a walk in the park." I chuckle, although the movement of my smile does make my nose ache a little more. My face morphs into a look of concern as I gaze at the blinding lights lining the ceiling.

"Doesn't stop the fact that there is a traitor amongst us, unfortunately. That's what I've been trying to get out of Abe all week." I sigh, Tara's head immediately swivelling back over at me.


"Yeah, that's his name apparently, 'managed to weed that out of him at least. God knows if it's his actual name, but it's something easier to know him by."

She nods slowly. "I mean, even if you've only managed to get his name so far, it's a good start right?" She smiles at me reassuringly, earning one back from me.

"Yeah, suppose so. My Dad always told me that the best way to get information out of someone is to play as though you're on a mutual side, he learnt that from Vietnam. I'm not a natural manipulator, but I'm trying my best to play Officer Friendly." I say with a small grin, Tara chuckling slightly before raising her eyebrows.

"Your Dad fought in Vietnam?"

"Yep. Lost his leg after a little while so got sent home. He met the 'piece of shit's' Mom out there, she was actually Filipino." I explain, Tara nods along slowly as she listens intently.

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