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TW - Gore

LEO============21/01/2003Panay, The Philippines============

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Panay, The Philippines

It's been a fucking week since Nova decided to start spoon feeding the terrorist. What information have we got out of him? Fuck all. Absolutely fucking nothing.

"I can't believe he still hasn't said anything, especially to Nova. She's been watching over him like a hawk to see if he's going to slip up." Jed mumbles, wiping his hands across his face in frustration.

"Give it some more time, these things take a while." Tara shrugs, laying across the floor in front of us doing some sit-ups. I don't know where the fuck she gets this constant energy, I don't think I've ever watched her sit still for more than three damn seconds.

"Yeah, but we don't have a while Tara. Lives are at stake here!" He groans.

There's definitely something going on between these two, even a blind man could spot it.

"Alright, alright, don't get all moody with me, I'm just trying to reassure 'ya!" She says in her usual chirrup. Jed mumbles something incoherent and folds his head down to rest against his knees.

Nobody really knows what to do with themselves, we're in complete limbo. Everyone is aimlessly pacing around base like zombies 24/7. There's not a whole bunch we can do until we get a tiny ounce of information. Not even our intel has been able to track anything down yet.

This is quite literally the most helpless I've felt on a mission in my entire life.

North suddenly bursts out of building 'A' like a madman, immediately gaining out attention. His entire face is ashen to the bone, looking like a gust of wind could just send him flying off into a million tiny particles.

He spots us three and immediately signals us over. Tara quickly stops her workout and hops to her feet next to me and Jed, all of us jogging over to meet with North.

"What the fuck is going on?" I seethe with complete urgency, he doesn't say anything and just gestures for us to come inside; all three of us complying immediately.

Striding into the room, We're met with Vincent, Kingston, and the ominous glow of North's open laptop screen. I already have a gut-wrenching feeling of exactly where this is going.

"They've killed another one." He murmurs, sitting down in front of his laptop and rewinding a video.

The only difference is, there's no writing at the start of this one. It's just straight into the scene, that unfortunately familiar scene.

The second the masked executer opens his mouth, all of our jaws drop in sync.

He's an American.

'You have one of our own. Give him back. Until then, these hostages pay the price.'

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