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LEO============08/02/2003Panay, The PhilippinesPassi City============

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Panay, The Philippines
Passi City

If all goes to plan, I'll be a dead man this time tomorrow.

My head will probably be brandished on that grainy videocamera, the footage sent straight to North and the rest of the group.

I glance down at my hand. It's completely bashed, completely fucking useless. Maybe I was an idiot to try and catch Jed off guard. After all, and as much as I hate to admit it, I am at a severe disadvantage in my position.

There isn't a whole lot a man can do; chained to a pipe and probably presumed dead.

The sands of time are still falling in the back of my brain, each grain pulling me a moment closer to my execution.  

I'm praying that Nova didn't suffer. I hope that her death was quick, quick enough that she didn't feel it. I wish she hadn't died at all. It hurts knowing that her existence is nothing but memories of the past from now on. 

I never got to give her Smith & Wesson back to her. I'd planned to when I heard her talking about it in the mess hall that night, right before all hell broke loose.

I don't even have a picture of her.

Of all people, she did not deserve to die. If I somehow find a way to break loose before tomorrow, I'll blast a bullet right through Jed Nolan's brain.

That bastard will not get away with taking her life.

"Get up," Jed orders, storming into the room as I glance upwards.

"I can't, I'm cuffed to a pipe." I mutter, rattling the chains with raised eyebrows.

He snarls, hissing something under his breath as he grips my wrists, roughly yanking them once they're unlocked.

He's decided to bring one of his friends along with him to help restrain me. 'Prick obviously knows that I can overpower him with ease when I'm unchained.

I guess that's one benefit of being 6'4, especially with years of training on my back.

His personal assistant grips one of my arms as Jed follows suit with the other, shoving a bag over my head and starting to lead me out of the room. We make the same turns that I've mapped out from whenever I've been allowed to go take a piss, only we go further than usual.

I can hear voices. I shake my head to try and loosen the bag, desperate to hear some more, although it's useless since it's wrapped right around my face.

Maybe I'll just die of suffocation, save me the beheading. Maybe if I just take off into a sprint, I'll 'accidentally' topple out of a window at the end of the hall.

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