I Riley's P.O.V

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I couldn't help but share in Reggie's joy, a warm feeling swelling in my chest. "That's fantastic news, Reggie! I knew Paul had it in him. He's been working so hard for this."

As we chopped vegetables and stirred simmering pots on the stove, Reggie continued, his excitement contagious. "And there's more! Paul made a new friend, Trip, who also defeated Gary and got his Lab Prints." A fond smile spread through Reggie's face as he stirred the soup pot. "I cannot believe that the same Paul who believed he could achieve his dreams on his own and through raw strength, is now making friends on his own."

The joy in Reggie's voice was infectious, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride for Paul and his accomplishments. "He has grown quite a lot since I met him, hasn't he? He used to be such an angry boy."

Dinner preparations continued in a harmonious rhythm, the kitchen alive with laughter and the comforting scent of home. As we sat down to enjoy the fruits of our labor, Reggie raised his glass in a toast. "To Paul, to Trip, and to all the trainers out there chasing their dreams. May their journeys be filled with victories and cherished friendships."

I clinked my glass against Reggie's, a smile playing on my lips. "Here's to the Pokémon World, where every triumph is sweeter when shared with friends."

The soft glow of the dining room lights created a cozy ambiance, casting gentle shadows that danced on the walls. Reggie and I continued our conversation as we ate, the warmth in the room mirroring the warmth in our hearts.

"You know, Riley," Reggie began, his voice tinged with a mixture of pride and nostalgia, "I don't worry about Paul as much anymore. He's really grown up, hasn't he? Found his own path, and now with a girlfriend in his life, he seems happier than ever."

I looked at Reggie, seeing the genuine happiness in his eyes for his younger brother. It was a sight that warmed my heart. "He really has," I replied, my voice soft with emotion. "It's amazing to see how much he's matured."

Reggie nodded, a reminiscent smile gracing his lips. "Exactly. Remember how he used to be? Always so focused on strength and winning, sometimes at the expense of everything else. But now? He seems more balanced, more at peace with himself."

I couldn't help but smile, my thoughts drifting back to the early days when I first met Paul. "Oh, I remember," I said, chuckling softly. "That fierce determination, that almost relentless drive to be the best. It was hard to imagine him any other way."

Reggie leaned back in his chair, taking a moment to soak in the memories. "It's been quite a journey for him, hasn't it? And for us too, being there, watching him grow, supporting him through the highs and lows."

I nodded in agreement, feeling a sense of gratitude for the bond that had formed between us over the years. "It certainly has. But you know, Reggie, despite his tough exterior, I always saw a spark in Paul. A potential for growth, for change. And he's proven that, time and time again."

"You're right, Riley. He has come a long way. And I couldn't be happier for him. For all of us." Reggie's smile grew wider, his eyes reflecting a mixture of pride and relief. "I will never be able to thank Ash for all he has done for us. For helping us mend our bond as brothers and show Paul the right path."

As we finished our meal, the conversation shifted to lighter topics, filled with laughter, and shared memories. Yet, beneath the playful banter and cheerful anecdotes, there lay a profound understanding between Reggie and me. A shared journey, a mutual affection for Paul and Ash, and a deep-rooted bond that had only grown stronger over time.

After our delightful dinner, Reggie and I found ourselves reclining on the comfortable living room couch, surrounded by a gentle atmosphere of warmth and familiarity. As we sank into the plush cushions, I couldn't shake off a lingering sense of guilt that had been tugging at me. Reggie, ever perceptive, noticed the contemplative expression on my face and, with a knowing smile, gently prodded, "Something on your mind, Riley?"

I sighed, my gaze momentarily fixated on the patterns of the rug beneath our feet. "Yeah, Reggie. It's just... I've been thinking about how things have changed, you know? I'm not in the thick of combat anymore, not right there beside Ash, and sometimes, it feels like I've let him down." My expression grew somber. "Especially, when news like his mission against the pirates spread."

Reggie's eyes softened with understanding. He placed a comforting hand on my shoulder, offering silent support before speaking, "Riley, you've never let anyone down. Not Ash, not anyone. We all go through different phases in life, and it's okay to step back from the front lines. You've done your part, and you've done it well."

I appreciated Reggie's reassurance, but the guilt persisted. "I just feel like I should be there, you know? To have Ash's back, like I always did. It's hard to shake that feeling of responsibility."

Reggie nodded thoughtfully, choosing his words carefully. "Riley, having someone's back isn't just about physical presence. It's about loyalty, trust, and knowing that you've got each other's backs no matter where life takes you. You don't need to be standing right beside Ash to have his back. Your bond goes beyond that. If Ash were to call, I know you'd be there in an instant, and that's what matters."

His words sank in, and a sense of reassurance slowly replaced the guilt. Reggie's wisdom was a balm to my troubled thoughts. "You're right, Reggie. It's just adjusting to this change, you know? But hearing that from you, it eases the weight on my shoulders."

Reggie offered a warm smile, his understanding gaze unwavering. "We all have our roles, Riley, and yours is just as crucial, even if it's not always on the front lines. Besides, I must admit, it's a relief having you here, safe and sound. I used to worry about you and Ash in those dangerous missions. Now, knowing you're not putting yourself in harm's way every day, it's a comfort."

A subtle warmth spread within me, realizing that my presence brought comfort to Reggie. In that moment, surrounded by the familiar comforts of home and the companionship of my love, I felt a profound sense of gratitude. Life had changed, but the bonds forged in the crucible of battle remained steadfast, evolving into something enduring and beautiful.

The Champion Stage {Path of the Aura Ranger: Book III}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin