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"Emiliano said you're innocent. I don't believe that one bit."

"Believe what you want, Mina. I have nothing. Why would I go against you?" Sofia groaned as she tried pushing me away.

I'm not buying her lies.

You know what they say.

Keep your friends close, but your enemies even closer.

Without warning, I swiftly hit Sofia's head with the butt of the gun, causing her to fall onto the floor.

"W-what is wrong with y-you? WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?" Sofia cried.

"Your love for your appearance is just like my love for my hijab. Remember when you tore it off? I'm just getting back at you."

Sofia seemed on the verge of speaking but tiredly bowed her head in surrender.

Later, when I visited the girls, conflicting emotions overwhelmed me.

In their presence, I felt like a monster, yet apart from them, I believed I was doing the right thing.

But they'll understand, won't they?

My last stop was Leonardo's room, where he remained beautiful, even in his sleep.

Tenderly, I caressed his face, kissed his forehead, whispered a final sentiment, and quietly exited the room.

"Nothing will stop me from avenging you. I'm doing this for you, caro."


The crackling fire danced across the room, casting an amber glow on Atlas as he conversed in hushed tones over the telephone.

Shadows flickered across his face, hinting at the intensity of his conversation.

The soft murmur of his voice echoed in empty room, lending an air of secrecy to the scene.

"Daddy will come back to see you Aella. Just be patient, okay Moró?"
(Moró= Baby in Greek)

With a small sigh, Atlas put the phone down and touched gently stroked his hair.

His plan was going well, but it seemed as though Mina would be an obstacle.

He had no choice but to get rid of her.

Lounging on the couch in Kazuya's old study, Atlas laid comfortably, until a pair of arms enveloped his shoulders.

Instead of being alarmed, a sense of immediate recognition swept over him.

"Anastasia, it's been a while."

Anastasia, better known by the alias Rebecca, held the esteemed position of Leonardo's most trusted confidante.

She discreetly worked as a receptionist at the Valentina Hotel, maintaining a facade while working against him from the shadows.

Rebecca slowly climbed into Atlas's lap and hugged him fondly, gently placing a kiss on his lips.

"You never called me, darogoy. "I've missed you, more than you can imagine. My father's crazy search means nothing to me now. I only answer to you, Atlas. I'll do whatever you want me to do." Rebecca murmured, her voice carrying the faint trace of her Russian accent. (Darogoy- Darling)

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