𝒯𝓌𝑜 𝐹𝒶𝒸𝑒𝒹

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Leonardo gently stroked Mina's face while listening to her soft breaths.

As he heard the small beats of her heart, Leonardo didn't know how to feel about making Amina his partner.

She lied to him.

"I didn't lie Leo! I just forgot to take my meds, that's all!" Mina exclaimed as Leonardo stroked her soft cheek.

"Cut the bullshit amor. You practically passed out on the countertop while making dinner! Your diabetes are out of control yet you haven't even told me!" Leonardo said angrily.

Mina sighed in exhaustion as Leonardo spoke.

So maybe she did tell a little fib.

Just a small lie, so Leonardo could carry on with his work stress free.

Leonardo lifted Mina up from the bed and cornered her into the wall, before glaring at her with angry eyes.

Mina giggled at Leonardo's actions.

Every time he tried acting intimidating, Mina couldn't help but burst into laughter since she knew her husband was nothing but a big softie.

"I'm being serious Amina! Tell me, when was the last time you took your pills? Don't lie. Allah's watching." Leonardo pouted.

Mina sighed and touched Leonardo's lips, watching him flinch.

Leonardo rolled his eyes.

She knew how to make him weak.

"Honestly?" Mina said softly.

"Yes, honestly." Leonardo sighed.

Mina tensed and looked over to Bella who was doing tummy time on the bed.

Maybe it wouldn't be too bad telling Leonardo about how long she didn't take her meds.

"Don't get mad, but uhm the last time I took my meds consistently was...... a month after Bella was born." Mina said looking down.

Almost immediately, Leonardo stiffened.

Bella was almost three months old.

That meant Mina stopped taking her meds for the last two months.

No, it couldn't be.

Mina wouldn't jeopardize her health like that, would she?

Leonardo teared up before letting go of Mina's arms and walking towards the bed.

"L-Leo? What's wrong? Are you angry at me?" Mina said worriedly.

"No. I'm angry at myself. YOU COULD BE DYING RIGHT NOW AND I DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE! I DON'T FUCKING NOTICE ANYTHING! I FAILED YOU! I'm tired Amina. S-so t-tired." Leonardo sobbed.

Mina's heart clenched as she saw the tears fall from Leonardo's eyes.

She wasn't dying.

And, it wasn't his fault.

Leonardo had no time to notice Mina, especially because of the war that took him away from home everyday.

"N-no Leo, don't say that! You haven't failed me, okay? I love you more than anything and nothing in this world will ever make me feel as happy as I am when you think about me. You worry so much and I want you to stop. Matter fact, I NEED YOU TO STOP. Just breathe caro. I'll take my meds and head into the warehouse today. You rest and I'll take care of you." Mina said tearfully.

A shaky sigh came from Leonardo's mouth and he hugged Mina tight, taking in all the comfort he craved so much.

Oh how he loved this woman.

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