Alpha - Cursed Flame - Chapter 67

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"ARE YOU FUCKING NUTS?!-" Woobin seethed as he aggressively seized her wrist, causing Hajin to whimper in discomfort as the surging pain expanded up her forearm. She grimaced at his harshness- and thrashed in the water with her soaked hair stuck to her pale face- but Woobin refused to release the heiress and roughly dragged her through the water with his jaw clenched. Hajin shrieked in extreme displeasure as she furiously fought to free herself from the man.


"HOW DARE YOU PRETEND TO DROWN IN THE SEA?!" Woobin screamed at her face until unconscious tears spilled from his burning red eyes. Hajin abruptly paused to examine the visible teardrop over Woobin's damp cheeks, utterly taken aback by his leaking emotions.

"Did you think I'd die for a piece of shit like you?- Pft!- You're the one with a delusional mind to assume I'd fucking drown myself for a fucking liar like you! YOU'RE THE ONE DISTURBING MY PEACE- AND YET- YOU DARE TO RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME?!" Hajin rashly shoved Woobin with her raging glare directed at his deadly glower.

Woobin scoffed at her outburst while brushing back his dripping wet hair, so Hajin yanked her arm out of his grip and stormed inside the villa in her gown with a fuming red face... after the eldest son misunderstood her harmless dip as an intentional suicidal act. Choi clenched his jaw and marched after Kim Hajin.

"You did it on purpose, didn't you!?- Don't fucking try to gaslight me!- YOU INTEND TO ACCUSE ME OF HARMING YOU AGAIN WITH YOUR IDOITIC STUNTS!" Woobin sneered, attempting to yank Hajin again- SLAP! The eldest son froze inside the frigid living room upon receiving the blunt blow to his left cheek. He scoffed and glanced at the heiress in shock. Hajin seethed at the man with her eyebrows furrowed as he stood stiffly over her until he felt the burning sensation... numbing his poker face.

"Even if I was to drown myself... I'd never do it for you. I never begged you to save me either- so don't spit dead skin cells at me. The only people I'm willing to respect are my family! And you're not one of them! You're a fucking nobody!- Alright?!- Who do you think you are to raise your fucking tone at me?! I'm Kim Hajin! The supreme alpha's only daughter!- And I will never allow a fucking man like you to disrespect me! Leave my fucking house right now!" Hajin shrieked while pointing at the door with her spiteful glare on the man. Woobin darkened his stony stare and lowered his gaze to the wet silk... embracing the curves of her body.

"Do you want the answer so badly...? Hmm...?" Woobin grunted, suddenly stepping forward to glower at the heiress in extreme displeasure. She stood her ground with her face tilted upward to challenge the towering man as the cold water droplet... trickled from his nose tip and dripping onto the heiress's pulsating chest.

Choi Woobin was three times bigger than her, but Kim Hajin firmly stood her ground... without the slightest glimpse of fear. The heiress glowered at the man with her father's lethal darkness.

"Are you deaf?! I don't wish to hear your stupid excuses!-"

Choi Woobin aggressively snatched her wrist and forced her to grip his hardened crotch. The heiress flinched at the shocking hand placement... and glanced down in a panic. She attempted to yank her hand away- but Woobin refused to release her and made Hajin clutch... the hump over his pants with his jaw clenched.

"Yeah? This is the confirmation... right? To prove my love? Hmm...? Fucking feel my hard cock right now- and tell me- Hajin- if I ever lied to you about my feelings!?! I tried desperately to dominate my self-control around your lewd behavior whenever you lick- suck- and stroke my body with your fucking pretty lips- because I respected you too much to let my selfish desire overtake my raging lust!- But you'll never listen- Hmm?!- So feel my fucking dick and tell me if I'm not fucking aroused by your transparent naked body under the wet gown!" Woobin sneered in her face in extreme agitation.

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