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Does such a thing as 'the breaking point,' that moment where everything falls apart, exist outside literature or movies? Jungkook used to think it didn't. Now he think it does. And he thinks that the breaking point of his friendship with Jimin has been when he became aware of how his friend has been treating Alexa all this time.

The emotional scars that Alexa will carry out of this relationship will be permanent. Jungkook also knew that the wounds in her heart would maybe never fully heal, even after she left Jimin for good. He had broken her trust, betrayed her love, and shattered her dreams with his lies and cruelty. She felt like a broken doll, discarded and unwanted by the one who had promised to cherish her forever. But she was not alone anymore.

Jungkook wanted to show her that there was still hope, that there was still beauty, that there was still love in the world. He wanted to show her that not all men were monsters, that some of them were still capable of giving and receiving true love. He wanted to show her that he was one of them.

The most infuriating part of it all was that Jimin seemed oblivious to the damage he had wreaked on Alexa's life. He acted as if he had the right to do whatever he wanted to her just because he was her boyfriend. He acted as if he had done nothing wrong, as if he owed her nothing.

Jungkook couldn't let him continue to live his life as usual, without a hint of remorse or guilt. He didn't care about the tears she shed, the nightmares she had, the scars she bore. He didn't care about her at all. But Jungkook cared. He cared enough to confront Jimin, to make him face the consequences of his actions, to make him realize the extent of his cruelty. He cared enough to fight for Alexa, to get her the justice she deserved, to heal her. He cared enough to love her properly.

"You have some balls to come here after everything you've done to me," Jimin spat out the words with venom, as he opened the door. He clenched his fists and took a step forward, as if ready to attack.

Jungkook slowly made his way into the apartment, raising his eyebrows when he stops in front of Jimin. "Everything I've done to you?" He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back against the wall.

"Don't you dare acting like you're so innocent when you are the one who got into my Alexa's mind and manipulated her into marrying you at the very first chance you got," Jimin pointed his finger at him, his voice rising in volume and pitch. He shook his head in disgust and disbelief, his mouth twisted in a sneer. "Seriously what the heck is wrong with you? What kind of a friend are you? I freaking trusted you and you betrayed me!"

"So you're still making this about yourself?" Jungkook sighed and rolled his eyes, his voice low and cold. He uncrossed his arms and pushed himself off the wall, walking towards him slowly and deliberately. He looked at him with pity and contempt, his mouth curved in a mocking smile.

"Who else is this about? For gods sake tell me how you can still believe that you're right by marrying your best friends girlfriend while he's in the military?" Jimin shouted, his voice cracking with emotion. He stopped in front of him, his face inches away from his while he stared at him with a mix of rage and pain, his eyes glistening with tears.

"Jimin, have you ever for once just stopped to think about Alexa's feelings?"

"Alexa's feelings? What a bullshit. The fact that she agreed to marry you tells me enough about how good she's feeling. Maybe even a bit too good," Jimin spat, his eyes flashing with jealousy and contempt.

"She had no other choice Jimin, it was either getting married here in Korea to stay here or go back to her old life in Germany and have you even the slightest idea of what expected her when she was sent back there? Did she ever feel comfortable enough with you to talk about how her own mother was treating her? She would have forced Alexa into a marriage with a guy she didn't want to marry, she had no time to wait for you to come back, at least by marrying me she had the choice to live here independently and wait for you."

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