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I groaned, pressing the soft pillow against my head and hoping it would magically blend out the clattering noises of plates coming from the kitchen.

Looking around my unfamiliar new surrounding, I needed a moment to remember where I am. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, I pushed myself up into a sitting position on the plush mattress, my eyes immediately drawn to the big mirror hanging in front of the bed. My reflection stared back at me, disheveled hair sticking out in all directions, and sleep lines etched across my face. I always hated waking up early. Not that I had anything to do either, so I usually slept until noon and spent a lazy morning most of the time. It's not like I don't want to work, in fact, I often find myself yearning for something that can keep me occupied and provide me with some much-needed human connections. But Jimin who hasn't even approved of my decision to study, would certainly never allow me to venture into the realm of employment. And truth be told, finding a job in Korea as a foreigner is no easy feat, especially with my embarrassingly non-existent Korean language skills.

The thought of finding a job in Korea as a foreigner seems like an insurmountable challenge. The language barrier alone is enough to deter potential employers. How can I convince them that I am capable when I can barely string together a coherent sentence in Korean?

I can still vividly remember the time as I stared at the job advertisement suitable for me on my laptop screen, my heart pounding with excitement and trepidation. The position seemed perfect—a chance to work in a prestigious fashion magazine, surrounded by creativity and style. I always loved to read no matter what, let it be books or magazines and now I had the perfect opportunity to write myself and even for a really great money.

I sighed, knowing that I had to broach the subject with Jimin. He was more of a traditionalist. While I respected his values, I also yearned for independence and a career of my own. It was a constant battle between my desires and his expectations.

Taking a deep breath, I walked into the living room where Jimin was engrossed in a football match on TV. He looked up at me, his eyes narrowing slightly as he noticed the determined expression on my face.

"Hey, babe," I started, trying to sound casual. "I came across this job opportunity today, and I think it could be really great for me."

Jimin's eyebrows shot up in surprise, and he turned off the television, giving me his full attention. "A job? What kind of job?"

"It's at a fashion magazine," I replied, my voice trembling slightly. "They're looking for an assistant, and I think I have the skills and passion for it."

Jimin's face hardened, and he crossed his arms over his chest. "You know how I feel about this, Alexa. I don't want you working."

I took a step closer to him, trying to make him understand. "Is it so bad that I want to contribute to our future? I want to have a career, to be able to support myself. It's important to me. And besides, I feel bad that I always need to ask for your money when I need anything."

He shook his head, letting out a sigh. He was getting frustrated with this topic again. "You don't need to support yourself, Alexa. I'm already taking care of you. That's my role as your boyfriend and to be honest, I'm happy with the way it is right now. I love coming home to you and eating your homemade food."

I tried to keep my voice calm. "Jimin, I appreciate your intentions, but I need more than just financial support. I need to feel fulfilled, to have a purpose outside of our relationship."

He let out a bitter laugh, his anger simmering beneath the surface. "Contributing? You think working some nine-to-five job is contributing? You think that's fulfilling?"

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